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zalman | PSU, Cases, CPU Coolers
본문 컨텐츠 영역. 마우스휠 products
散热界日韩战争!Zalman扎曼 vs 信越原厂中高级导热硅脂对比评 …
2020年1月17日 · 源自Zalman赠品的质疑. 笔者前段时间为我那台四核老i5整机配了一款心仪已久的Zalman(扎曼),其实我更喜欢叫思民的CNPS 9800Max涡轮造型120mm CPU散热器。由于Zalman附赠了导热硅脂,型号是ZM-STG2M,导热系数4.5W/m.K。 老i5测试机用的扎曼CNPS 9800Max散热器
Zalman i4 Airflow ATX Mid-Tower All-Mesh PC Case w/ 6 x Fans …
6 x high airflow case fans included: the Zalman i4 comes with six high airflow 120mm fans pre-installed at the front, rear and top of the case for excellent cooling performance. I/O panel: the Zalman i4 features a convenient top-mounted I/O panel with audio-in/out, USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 ports for easy connectivity.
Shop Zalman | Ultimate PC Cases & Cooling Solutions
Overall, the Zalman CNPS10X Performa Black is a quiet and efficient cooler that performs well for its price. It’s ideal for general use and moderate overclocking. My only complaint is the silver clips, which I feel should have been black to match the rest of the cooler. Other than that, I highly recommend this product.
Zalman S2 ATX Mid-Tower PC Case 3 x Fans Pre-installed w/ …
ZALMAN S-Series case line is meant to awe with a affordable case designed to maximize airflow. Full acrylic side panel, top & bottom dust filters, and up to 8 fans can be installed. - Front Designed for Maximum Airflow
韩国“杂牌”zalman,倒闭了,我以前都没听过,但它们家以前好像做的都是偏高端的游戏硬件产品。 应该是13-15年出的机箱了,国内评测都没几个,但配置不错,自带4个风扇,全金属,白色款,我感觉只要是个机箱,白色款都比黑色款贵吧?
zalman - 百度百科
静音电源 、机箱,在,1999年成立时,Zalman公司依靠15项 风扇专利打入市场,2001年开始出口法国德国英国,同年美国 公司成立,产品出口欧美,在全球52个国 家有代理商。
Zalman CNPS20X Extreme Performance CPU Cooler w/ 4D …
Zalman CNPS20X Extreme Performance CPU Cooler w/ 4D Patented Corrugated Fin & Dual ARGB 140mm Fans, 6 Heat Pipes, 300W TDP, 350 Air Holes, Award Winning Cooler, 5 Year Warranty (Fits Intel & AMD) Share:
zalman | PSU, Cases, CPU Coolers
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