Zenless Zone Zero Official Website – Version 1.6 "Among
Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.6 "Among the Forgotten Ruins" is now live. Check in to get 20 pulls. New users can earn up to 160 pulls!
Zenless Zone Zero Official Site - HoYoverse
Don't go into the Hollows. I know, I know, there's Ether in the Hollows, bizarre creations, even heritage of the old civilization, all precious treasures. But don't forget, there's also spatial disorder, monsters and mutants running rampant, and ultimately, a disaster that could swallow the world. They are not a place where ordinary people should go.
『ゼンレスゾーンゼロ』公式サイト - HoYoverse
ホロウには入るな。 もちろん、ホロウの中にはエーテル資源、異化の産物、さらには旧文明の遺跡など、貴重な宝が溢れている。 しかし、忘れるな。ホロウの中は混沌に満ちた空間。そこでは化け物が猛威を振るい、異変が絶えず起きている。ホロウとは世界を吞み込む災害であり、一般 …
News & Info | Zenless Zone Zero Official Site - HoYoverse
Don't go into the Hollows. I know, I know, there's Ether in the Hollows, bizarre creations, even heritage of the old civilization, all precious treasures. But don't forget, there's also spatial disorder, monsters and mutants running rampant, and ultimately, a disaster that could swallow the world. They are not a place where ordinary people should go.
Characters | Zenless Zone Zero Official Site - HoYoverse
Don't go into the Hollows. I know, I know, there's Ether in the Hollows, bizarre creations, even heritage of the old civilization, all precious treasures. But don't forget, there's also spatial disorder, monsters and mutants running rampant, and ultimately, a disaster that could swallow the world. They are not a place where ordinary people should go. So don't go into Hollows. Or at least, …
〈젠레스 존 제로〉 공식 홈페이지 - 1.6 신규 버전 「잊힌 폐허 …
〈젠레스 존 제로〉 1.6 신규 버전 「잊힌 폐허 위에서」 출시! 출석체크 시 20뽑기 획득! 신규 유저 다운로드 시 최대 160뽑기 획득 가능!
Sitio Oficial de Zenless Zone Zero - HoYoverse
No entres en las Cavidades. Sí, ya lo sé. Las Cavidades están repletas de recursos etéreos, extraños objetos y ruinas de civilizaciones antiguas. Todo lo que allí encuentres valdrá su peso en oro. Pero no olvides que las Cavidades son espacios caóticos en los que las criaturas merodean en total libertad. Las Cavidades están en constante cambio y son la manifestación …
[Zenless Zone Zero] เว็บไซต์ทางการ - HoYoverse
อย่าเข้าไปใน Hollow ฉันรู้ๆ ใน Hollow มีทั้งทรัพยากรอีเทอร์ ...
Personajes| Web Oficial de «Zenless Zone Zero» - HoYoverse
No entres en las Cavidades. Sí, ya lo sé. Las Cavidades están repletas de recursos etéreos, extraños objetos y ruinas de civilizaciones antiguas. Todo lo que allí encuentres valdrá su peso en oro. Pero no olvides que las Cavidades son espacios caóticos en los que las criaturas merodean en total libertad. Las Cavidades están en constante cambio y son la manifestación …
Zenless Zone Zero HoYoLAB Check-Ins Available!
2024年9月28日 · Don't go into the Hollows. I know, I know, there's Ether in the Hollows, bizarre creations, even heritage of the old civilization, all precious treasures. But don't forget, there's also spatial disorder, monsters and mutants running rampant, and ultimately, a disaster that could swallow the world. They are not a place where ordinary people should go. So don't go into …