MAET Pets | Healthy and fresh dog food from delicious Nordic …
MÆT fresh dog food is made from real meat and healthy vegetables, easily cooked by sous vide. Our delicious meals contain everything your dog needs – without preservatives. We only add extra vitamins and minerals to give your dog a complete meal. Fresh dog food can be eaten by dogs of all ages and breeds.
Holistic Dog Food & Cat Food Products | Annamaet
Annamaet Petfoods, a truly family owned and operated company, has been providing optimum nutrition to dogs and cats for over 30 years. Our mission is to maximize the health and well-being of our beloved pets while preserving our environment and natural resources for …
MÄT Foods - Dansk økologi for børn og børnefamilier. Lækre og velsmagende produkter i et farverigt Dino-Univers, som gør det både let og sjovt for børnene at vælge sundt i hverdagen. MÄTs produkter er udviklet af ernæringsuddannede produktudviklere, og produceret hos økologi-certificerede producenter i Tyskland.
MÆT | Sund og frisk hundemad af lækre nordiske råvarer
Frisk hundemad kan spises af hunde i alle aldre og racer. I vores produktsortiment finder du frisk hundemad, lækre naturlige hundesnacks og massere af legetøj i høj kvalitet. Dyk ned i de …
Dog food made from fresh meat and vegetables from Nordic …
MÆT 's fresh dog food is made from carefully selected ingredients, which we combine to be able to offer your dog a complete meal with the healthiest nutrients, delicious taste and good energy. The natural and pure Nordic ingredients are roasted in the oven until they reach a crisp and delicious consistency. Completely without preservatives.
Get an introduction to MÄT - part of our Food sector. With an expansive product portfolio ranging from innovative between meal snacks, healthy cereals with no added sugar and tasty protein chips, MÄT strives towards promoting the relevance of certified organic ingredients, contesting the usage of refined sugar, all the while offering products with …
It's Meati™ | eat meati™
Meet our newest creations – Mycelium Breakfast Patties! Packed with clean, craveable protein and nutrients your body loves, these patties are here to fuel your morning and make your taste buds high-five. Pat dry, lightly oil, and salt your meati 15-30 minutes prior to cooking to ensure maximum flavor absorption.
MÄT - Organic Denmark
MÄT is a universe of organic snack products with high protein content coming from eggs. All our products are glutenfree and exclusively made from good, natural ingredients with only naturally occurring sugar from fruit – and always packed with over 20% protein and 100% love!
Met Foodmarkets | The official site of Met Foodmarkets.
Welcome to the official website of Met Foods! See our weekly ad, browse delicious recipes, or check out our many programs.
The Hub | MÆT Pets
MÆT is fresh and healthy dog food directly to your door. We believe that our dogs deserve real, fresh food that is a source of health, joy and high quality of life. Our approach is simple: we use fresh ingredients without preservatives, create interesting dog …