How safe is it to use Aptoide? - Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange
Like F-Droid, Aptoide has multiple repositories – but I couldn't figure out whether there's a "trust-able" main repository like with F-Droid. There is related information available in the package …
Can't install Aptoide - Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange
2016年1月13日 · Apparently Aptoide-dev was installed but somehow only for the guest user. All I had to do was switching to the guest user, going to Settings -> Apps and remove the Aptoide …
How safe is the Aptoide apk? - Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange
2022年7月8日 · Aptoide is also an app store like Play Store which needs an account. This is like your Google account for Play Store. So it will have permissions (just like Play Store) for …
updates - How safe is it to upgrade apps using Aptoide? - Android ...
If only regarding legal issues, Aptoide is definitely a gray area as some apps are not legally distributed there, clearly bypassing fees setup on the Google Play Store or breaking licensing …
security - Can I trust apps downloaded from Aptoide? - Android ...
2018年3月18日 · Anyone can upload apps to Aptoide, iirc without good, if any, verification. Aptoide is also known to be a source of pirated apps, so if you want to use any app, consider …
Which has viruses? Aptoide, or the apps that come with it?
2022年7月9日 · Since Aptoide is not a mediated source for apps (Google Play is), it goes without saying that it's up to the user to use discretion on the things they get from that source. An …
Why are apps on Aptoide newer than the Play Store?
2016年8月2日 · Basically this. Since the update rollout from Play Store is staged, some people get the update earlier than the other, and they share the APK to other (e.g. XDA, APKMirror, …
security - How to report potential abuse in Aptoide without …
2016年6月2日 · The Aptoide store is an alternative platform where you can get Android apps. I found an app on the Aptoide store via Google that has a size of 3.3 MB. The same app with …
applications - Why do I have Aptoide app installed, and why do …
So why does Aptoide display system apps? Because it doesn't distinguish between system and non-system apps, and someone named sirkesyone-applikes (clearly without a proper …
Aptoide has update for Google Play Store?
2022年7月8日 · Some Android user in the world receives the Store update in its rooted device, then get the apk and uploads it to Aptoide. Google Play Store updates automatically. Some …