Truce between East Coast Crips and Florencia 13 gangs (Darwin: …
2019年11月15日 · Hmmm, I wonder how West Coast Crips feel about that. East Coast was the slang catch all term for the sets of Los Angeles black gangs based roughly east of the Harbor freeway. So all the different sets of Crips together would be East Coast Crips instead of Eastside (of LA County), of the 110 freeway.
What happened to the far East End neighborhoods? (Pittsburgh, …
2014年4月12日 · As Larimer beefed with the Garfield Bloods, Lincoln Avenue Crips and East Liberty's two separate Crip gangs, while Wilkinsburg beefed with the Homewood Crips and East Hills Bloods. Once they linked up, sets continued to grow in both respective neighborhoods, and the LAW gang spread across to dominate the whole neighborhood of Larimer and the ...
List of Gangs in Tucson Arizona 2022 - Blog - City-Data Forum
2022年1月16日 · [quote=SouthSide520;62617464]Bloods South Side Posse Bloods South Side Blood Gang South Side Murda Gang South Side V12 Mob Bloods 12th Ave Bloods
How did Crips and Bloods make it to NYC? (New York: school, live …
2012年12月14日 · If you want to talk about bloods and crips having legitimate power in this city that basically happened from early 90s to mid 2000s... The biggest movements now are YBz (Young Bosses) and YGz (Young Gunnaz), certain Latin King sets, a growing number of Mexican sets and Trinitarios are still around but losing steam...
NYC gang infested??? not bloods or crips but these. (New York: …
2012年9月8日 · when i was in high school just 4 years ago we always heard about bloods, crips, and latin king looks like nyc changed over a few years and now has hundreds of these smaller unit gangs. the police are very smart, and these gangsters are dumb since most use youtube, and facebook to express their gang culture, and some even accepting friend ...
Which parts of Vallejo are the most dangerous (Concord, Napa: …
2008年1月3日 · Vallejo has some of the most beautiful sunsets & waterfront in the SF bay. I'm proud to live in Vallejo by choice.
How's the area of Carson? (Los Angeles, Torrance: living, activity ...
2011年8月17日 · 190 East Coast Crips Victoria Park Carson Crips Stevenson Village Crips Cabbage Patch Piru Center View Piru Scott Park Piru Kalas Park Loks (defunct) Pacific Islander West Side Piru Samoan Warrior Bounty Hunters Scottsdale Piru Latino/Hipsanic Carson 13 Ravenna Street Dominguez Varrio 13 Keystone Rifa 13 Catskill Street Locos 13 Realty Street ...
Registered sex offenders in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - crimes …
Address: Zip Code: 73106 Sex: Male Age: 43 Eye color: Green Hair color: Brown Height: 5'11" Weight: 220 lbs. Marks/Scars/Tattoos: tattoo on r_arm (pot leaf and eveil, sleved on arms love on knuckles, shwatizka, clown,); tattoo on l_arm (420 inside, hate on fingers, lizard, rp sign, anarchy, kaos on wrist, sleeved); tattoo on neck (visalia front, 555 on back of neck); tattoo on chest …
Why is DC the only city that doesn't have mainstream gangs?
2010年11月6日 · Gang warfare is just like any other warfare. The LA Bloods & Crips attempting to migrate to the Bay were like U.S. soldiers trying to take over an unfamiliar town in Vietnam and ended up getting slaughtered by the natives. San Francisco Bay Guardian News The gangs in SF are based on the neighborhoods very much like DC and other cities.
Crime rate in Akron, OH - City-Data.com
Crime rate in Akron, OH The 2023 crime rate in Akron, OH is 394 (City-Data.com crime index), which is 1.6 times higher than the U.S. average.