GStreamer: open source multimedia framework
GStreamer is a library for constructing graphs of media-handling components. The applications it supports range from simple Ogg/Vorbis playback, audio/video streaming to complex audio (mixing) and video (non-linear editing) processing.
Download GStreamer
Download GStreamer. If you're on Linux or a BSD variant, you can install GStreamer using your package manager. For other platforms listed below, we provide binary releases in the form of official installers or tarballs maintained by the GStreamer project. Choose your platform below for more information.
GStreamer: a flexible, fast and multiplatform multimedia framework. GStreamer is an extremely powerful and versatile framework for creating streaming media applications. Many of the virtues of the GStreamer framework come from its modularity: GStreamer can seamlessly incorporate new plugin modules.
Tutorials - GStreamer
Welcome to the GStreamer Tutorials! The following sections introduce a series of tutorials designed to help you learn how to use GStreamer, the multi-platform, modular, open-source, media streaming framework.
What is GStreamer?
GStreamer is a framework for creating streaming media applications. The fundamental design comes from the video pipeline at Oregon Graduate Institute, as well as some ideas from DirectShow. GStreamer's development framework makes it possible to write any type of streaming multimedia application.
GStreamer: features
GStreamer works on all major operating systems such as Linux, Android, Windows, Max OS X, iOS, as well as most BSDs, commercial Unixes, Solaris, and Symbian. It has been ported to a wide range of operating systems, processors and compilers.
Basic tutorial 10: GStreamer tools
GStreamer comes with a set of tools which range from handy to absolutely essential. There is no code in this tutorial, just sit back and relax, and we will teach you: How to build and run GStreamer pipelines from the command line, without using C at all!
Installing GStreamer
Installing GStreamer Choose your platform by clicking on the corresponding logo. Subpages: Installing for Android development. Installing for iOS development. Installing on Mac OS X. Installing on Windows. Installing on Linux. Building from source using Cerbero – Setting up a development environment the modern way
Basic tutorials - GStreamer
Basic tutorial 2: GStreamer concepts – Gstreamer Elements, Pipeline and the Bus Basic tutorial 3: Dynamic pipelines. Basic tutorial 4: Time management. Basic tutorial 5: GUI toolkit integration. Basic tutorial 6: Media formats and Pad Capabilities. Basic tutorial 7: Multithreading and Pad Availability. Basic tutorial 8: Short-cutting the pipeline
Your first application - GStreamer
It describes all aspects of a simple GStreamer application, including initializing libraries, creating elements, packing elements together in a pipeline and playing this pipeline. By doing all this, you will be able to build a simple Ogg/Vorbis audio player.