如何评价苹果的智能音箱 HomePod? - 知乎
2019年1月18日 · HomePod 提供黑、白两种配色,在爱范儿(微信号:ifanr)手上的是黑色的版本。圆柱形状的 HomePod 在外观上和苹果自家的「垃圾桶」Mac Pro 颇有几分相似,最大的不 …
HomePod Mini sound vs 27 inch iMac - MacRumors Forums
2011年1月26日 · Even a standard HomePod isn't going to sound like stereo from a single speaker. The "sound everywhere" function of the regular HomePod comes into play when …
Homepod as desktop speaker | MacRumors Forums
2011年3月8日 · I've had two HomePod speakers as a stereo pair (since that capability was released) and on my desktop for use with my iMac and iTunes since the HomePod was first …
HomePod, HomeKit, CarPlay, Home & Auto Technology
2016年1月17日 · HomePod HomePod won't connect to network after coming home from vacation. Kashchei; Jan 14, 2025; Replies ...
HomePod mini in the bathroom - anyone taking the risk?
2015年4月12日 · Been thinking that the HomePod mini should be a great solution for bathroom music (and more?). Siri and AirPlay 2. Now, it may not be rated for waterproof but at the price, …
HomePod HomePod Mini pair as speakers for a Windows PC?
2011年4月5日 · I'm talking about treating the Homepod as a PC speaker as well. I was investigating purchasing a Homepod or two as a possible smart speaker option (As it …
HomePod Mini 2: Everything We Know So Far - MacRumors Forums
2001年4月12日 · A second-generation HomePod mini could conceivably introduce a lower-latency Handoff experience, improved sound and microphones, and the S7, S8, S9, or S10 chip. Many …
HomePod Is the HomePod Mini truly that problematic?
2008年8月6日 · She also tries to suggest things for you to buy. Thankfully Siri doesn’t do any of that. I think the HomePod mini sounds better than any of the Echos I have heard, except for …
HomePod mini supports Dolby Atmos with iOS 18 (confirmed, …
2012年10月27日 · Use a HomePod, HomePod mini, or a stereo pair with your Apple TV 4K to create a theater experience with Dolby Atmos or surround sound right in your home. Here's …
Best Placement for HomePod | MacRumors Forums
2018年2月17日 · In my apartment putting the homepod anywhere near a corner results in too much bass. Overpowering and rumbling even at low volume. Ironically the homepod is being …