BREATH Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BREATH is air filled with a fragrance or odor. How to use breath in a sentence.
BREATH中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Her breath smelled of garlic. 她的嘴里有大蒜味。 She was dizzy and short of breath (= unable to breathe in enough air). 她头昏眼花,上气不接下气。 He burst into the room, red-faced and …
Breath vs. Breathe: What is the Difference? | Merriam-Webster
'Breath' and 'breathe' are at perhaps the trickiest intersection of spelling and similarity, since they are so frequently confused. Breath is the noun and breathe is the verb in this pairing. To keep them apart, especially in writing, remember that breathe …
TOP30最易混淆与困扰的英文词|Breath vs. Breathe 呼吸 - 知乎
“Breath呼吸”是一个名词;指的是,呼出或者吸入的空气,空气从的肺里进出;而“Breathe呼吸”指的是呼吸,意思是你的呼吸和吸气。 更白话的话,Breath是一个完整的 呼吸循环,而Breathe是吸入和呼出的过程。 这两个词,肯定让人觉得很困扰,也很容易混淆,因为很多细节在其中,因此,正因为这两个词有着不同的用法,所以是很多短语或者习语组成部分。 名词“Breath呼吸”的字面意思与我们通常称为“呼吸”的气体交换有关。 在这个意义上,呼吸可以指一般的呼吸过程或呼 …
breath是什么意思_breath的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在 …
We'll get a breath of fresh air at lunchtime. 我们午餐时出去透透气。 Hold your breath and count to ten. 屏住呼吸,数到十。 His breath smelt of garlic. 他呼出的气中有大蒜味。 We had to stop for breath before we got to the top. 我们不得不喘口气,然后再登山顶。 She was very short of breath (= had difficulty breathing) . 她呼吸很困难。 He recited the whole poem in one breath. 他一口气背 …
Breathing - Wikipedia
Breathing (spiration[1] or ventilation) is the rhythmical process of moving air into (inhalation) and out of (exhalation) the lungs to facilitate gas exchange with the internal environment, mostly to flush out carbon dioxide and bring in oxygen.
breathe,breathing,breath有什么区别???? - 百度知道
2008年6月20日 · 这两个词都是表示“呼吸”的意思,但词性和读音不同。 breath是名词; breathe是动词。 初学英语的人容易将breathe的e丢掉,以致与breath混淆不清。 After we had climbed to the top of the hill,we stopped to gather breath.. 我们爬到山顶后便停下来歇口气。 Only in the countryside can we have a breath of fresh air.. 只有在郊野我们才能呼吸到新鲜的空气。 He has run himself out of breath.. 他跑得上气不接下气。 The old lady breathed her last this morning..
BREATH | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
BREATH meaning: 1. the air that goes into and out of your lungs: 2. to pause or rest for a short time until you…. Learn more.
TAKE A BREATH中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
I took a breath, smiled, and slowly tried once more to explain. So how far can you swim without taking a breath ? Take a deep breath and try to clear your mind .
欧路词典|英汉-汉英词典 breath是什么意思_breath的中文解释和发音_breath的翻译_breath …
The joggers paused to catch their breath. 慢跑者们暂停下来以便喘。 2. Save your breath to cool your porridge. 要白费 舌了。 3. There is not a breath of wind. 一点风也没有。 4. Willie took a deep breath, and blew. 威利深吸一 后吐。 5. There was not a breath in the air. 一 丝风 也没有。 6. Mike, my present husband, was a breath of fresh air. 我现在 丈夫迈克,让 家耳目一新。 7.