Jet Airways
Launched in 1993, Jet Airways grew to become synonymous with premium air travel for discerning travellers in India. It eventually flew to over 65 destinations in India and across the world, including Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and North America, with hubs in Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru, and gateways in Amsterdam, Paris, London, and ...
Jet Airways
Launched in 1993, Jet Airways grew to become the airline of choice for discerning travellers in India. The famous tagline “The Joy of Flying” became synonymous with Jet Airways and its unrivalled product and service.
Jet Airways
2023年4月28日 · About Jet Airways: Launched in 1993, Jet Airways grew to become synonymous with premium air travel for discerning travellers in India. Before it suspended operations in April 2019, Jet Airways flew to over 65 destinations in India and across the world with 124 narrow-body and wide-body aircraft.
Jet Airways
© Jet Airways (India) Ltd. All rights reserved. Back To Top
Jet Airways
Jet Airways Financials 2019-20; Jet Airways Advertisement; For the year end 2018-19. Jet Airways Financials 2018-19; Resolution Professional Statement on Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended March 31, 2019; Annual General Meeting For the FY 2018-19. 1. Notice of AGM for FY 2018-19; 2. Annual report for FY 2018-19
The stakeholders of Jet Airways (India) Limited are hereby called upon to submit their claims with proof on or before 26 December, 2024 to the liquidator at the address mentioned against item No.10. The financial creditors shall submit their claims with proof by electronic means only.
iii. Such omnibus approval shall specify (i) the name/s of the related party, nature of transaction, period of transaction, maximum amount of transaction that can be
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2021年7月2日 · Jet Airways (India) Limited ClN: L99999MH1992PLC066213 Corporate office: Global One, 3rd floor, 252, LBS Marg, Kurla (West), Mumbai – 400070 Registered Office: Siroya Centre, Sahar Airport Road, Andheri (‘E), Mumbai - 400 099, India. Web www.jetairways.com JET/NCLT/ 21-22/883 July 02, 2021 BSE Limited
Refunds / Q&A - Jet Airways
I had booked tickets to fly on Jet Airways, but the Company cancelled the flight and suspended its operations. How do I get my refund for the cancelled flight?