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Vympel R-33 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
R-33(俄文:Вымпел Р-33; 北約代號:AA-9 Amos)為蘇聯發展的長程空對空飛彈,主要作為蘇聯國土防空軍的米格-31戰鬥機的主力武器,定位等同美國海軍的F-14戰鬥機和AIM-54鳳凰飛 …
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Vympel R-33 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
R-33(俄文:Вымпел Р-33; 北約代號:AA-9 Amos)為蘇聯發展的長程空對空飛彈,主要作為蘇聯國土防空軍的米格-31戰鬥機的主力武器,定位等同美國海軍的F-14戰鬥機和AIM-54鳳凰飛 …
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R-33 (K-33) long-range guided missile - Missilery.info
The development of the R-33 long-range long-range missile for long-range interceptors was initiated by the Vimpel ICB in the late 1960s. This was the Soviet response to the US-designed F-14a fighter with the AIM-54A Phoenix missile. …
Vympel R-33 - Weaponsystems.net
The R-33 is a very large and heavy missile. Designed for high altitude and high speed flight. The missile uses long chord wings and is steered by the larger tail fins. The seeker and warhead …
R-33 (missile) | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Vympel R-33 (Russian: Вымпел Р-33, NATO reporting name: AA-9 Amos) is a long-range air-to-air missile developed by the Soviet Union. It is the primary armament of the MiG-31 …
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什么是Vympel R-33(深度解读) | 常识百科 - changshi.wiki
R-33 (俄文:Вымпел Р-33; 北约代号 :AA-9 Amos)为 苏联 发展的长程 空对空导弹 ,主要作为 苏联国土防空军 的 米格-31战斗机 的主力武器,定位等同美国海军的 F-14战斗机 和 AIM …
Vympel R-33 - Wikiwand
R-33(俄文:Вымпел Р-33; 北约代号:AA-9 Amos)为苏联发展的长程空对空飞弹,主要作为苏联国土防空军的米格-31战斗机的主力武器,定位等同美国海军的F-14战斗机和AIM-54凤凰飞 …
Vympel R-33 - Aircraft Wiki
The Vympel R-33 (NATO codename: AA-9 Amos) is a Soviet BVR (Beyond Visual Range) air-to-air missile, designed for great distances. The Vympel R-33 was developed to be the main …
R-33S / Izedliye 520 / AA-9 AMOS
2024年8月1日 · The missile being loaded was identified as the R-33 (NATO classification: AA-9 Amos), which is capable of intercepting various aerial targets, including low-flying cruise …
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