性能特点: · 6.5 英寸 TFT 高光彩色液晶屏. · ActiBiphasic 双相波技术 *1 ,大能量 270J , 3 秒快速充电到 150J ,除颤后 3 秒恢复 ECG 波形显示. ·经典旋钮式设计,快速选定所需能量,包含成人及儿童电极板. · 除颤模式除了除颤,同步复率,还内置有 AED 模式 *2 ,同时标配有 AED 中文语音提示及 CPR 计时 ...
NihonKohden心臟去顫器 - Sunrisemedical-co-ltd
經皮起搏是可能的(tec-5631)tcp機型。 可以安裝心律不齊算法(可選配)。除了提高心律失常的檢出率,它還減少了誤報。 可以測量spo 2和etco 2(可選配)。 可以與cpr輔助cpr-1100(另售)配合使用。胸部按壓波形可以顯示在屏幕上。
日本光电除颤监护仪TEC-5631C 便携式除颤仪 - 涵飞医疗-专业医 …
除颤模式除了除颤,同步复率,还内置有aed模式(aed模式需要一次性电极板才能使用),同时标配有aed中文语音提示及cpr计时提示音 支持3/5导联ECG监护,可选配SpO2,EtCO2监护,以及外部的ECG信号输入(需要通过AUX接口)
cardiolife TEC-5600 - Nihon Kohden Europe
The device assures the effectiveness of resuscitation through advanced airway management, high-quality CPR, and minimization of CPR pauses with Nihon Kohden's unique noise reduction pads, which provide quick and clear underlying ECG information. Next to this, Nihon Kohden’s CPR assist device can be wireless connected to cardiolife TEC-5600 ...
光电TEC-5631便携式除颤监护仪 - MDSIN
MDSIN麦森品质提供的光电TEC-5631便携式除颤监护仪, 性能特点: ·6.5英寸TFT高光彩色液晶屏 ·ActiBiphasic双相波技术*1,最大能量270J,3秒快速充电到150J ,除颤后3秒恢复ECG波形显示. ·经典旋钮式设计,快速选定所需能量,包含成人及儿童电极板
日本光电TEC-5602/5621/5631心电除颤器 - 涵飞医疗-专业医疗器 …
日本光电除颤监护仪TEC-5621/5631 - 涵飞医疗-专业医疗器械服务 …
日本光电除颤监护仪tec-5621/5631 ... 在cpr 过程中,胸部按压通常会影响 心电图检测及分析。如果采用日本光电p-700系列电极片,可以有效避免胸部按压对ecg的干扰,提高心律分析的准确性,以尽可能地减少胸部按压中断的次数和持续时间。 ...
(Tec-5631) Defibrillator - With Pacing - Specs.. | PDF ... - Scribd
(Tec-5631)Defibrillator_with Pacing _ specs.. - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document outlines specifications for a defibrillator machine, including the ability to perform ECG monitoring, defibrillation, pacing, and recording. It should have a color LCD display, monitor …
Cardiolife Defibrillator TEC-5631 Cat. NKD-TEC-5631 Brand
Cardiolife TEC-5631 Defibrillator Cat. NKD-TEC-5631 Brand Nihon Koden Features: AED, data transfer via Bluetooth, 3 and 6-lead ECG, SpO2 and ETCO2. Faster shock and continuous observation. In less than 4 seconds it charges 200j with alternating current or with a new fully charged battery. After defibrillation, the ECG baseline recovers within 3 seconds. Continuous VF analysis. The ECG waveform ...
Nihon Kohden Cardiolife TEC 5631 biphasic defibrillator with pacing
Nihon Kohden biphasic defibrillator Cardiolife TEC 5631 with external pacing, that provides faster shock and continuous observation. It takes less than 4 seconds to charge 200J with either AC power or a fully charged new battery. ... With the continuous VF analysis, ECG waveform can be analyzed even during CPR and energy charging starts before ...
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