Capcom vs SNK 2/Mai - SuperCombo Wiki
Mai is one of CvS2's many zoners. Her Kachosen fireballs are useful and versatile space controlling tools that let her keep her opponents at bay, and her strong run away tools can …
Capcom vs SNK 2/Mai/Combos - SuperCombo Wiki
Easy super confirm, great value off of confirmed lights, can be cancelled into from up to 3 crouching light kicks, varies on position. Mai's Custom Combo Slide by GunterJPN.
Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Mai Guide - Arcade Games - GameFAQs
2006年2月8日 · Mai is effective as either ratio 1 or 2; her weak strength and stamina don't justify higher ratios. Because she builds meter quickly but her supers suck, she should usually go …
Capcom vs SNK 2/Combo - SuperCombo Wiki
Let's take a look at Mai for a good example of how knowing how Customs work can give you the most damage (for reference's sake, remember that most characters have about 14400 Hit …
List of Moves in Capcom vs. SNK 2 - Street Fighter Wiki
2.12 Mai Shiranui; 2.13 Nakoruru; 2.14 Raiden; 2.15 Rock Howard; 2.16 Rugal Bernstein; 2.17 Ryo Sakazaki; 2.18 Ryuhaku Todoh; 2.19 Ryuji Yamazaki; 2.20 Terry Bogard; 2.21 Vice; 2.22 …
Capcom vs. SNK/Mai - StrategyWiki
2020年4月20日 · Mai seems to have been one of the sexier and hotter SNK women in SNK history. She is also mean to her opponents, but not to her friends, and also insulting her …
Mai - Street Fighter Wiki
Mai Shiranui (不知火 舞, Shiranui Mai?) is a guest character from SNK's Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters series who is also playable in the SNK vs. Capcom series. At Summer Game Fest …
Mai Trials for Capcom vs. SNK 2 【カプエス2】(Hints in description)
#Gaming #CVS2 #カプエス2The Second SNK Character in the new CVS2 Trial series. This goes over unique mechanics and combos that Mai can do in each groove. Good Lu...
CvS2 Mai Shiranui Updated - 10.26.15 - [ RELEASES - Mugen Free …
2015年9月17日 · Upgraded Lv 2 & Lv 3 Mizutori no Mai and Lv 3 Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi. Effects for Shiranui Ryuu Kunoichi no Mai now fit in the screen. Fixed positioning for Super …
Capcom vs. SNK 2 – Move List and Guide - GameFAQs
2001年11月23日 · 2. Jump-in HP, MP ~ level 3 Hoyokusen ~ HP, HP (22 Hits). COMMENTS - Kikou Ken distance is determined by the button used. (Ex: LP travels long, HP travels short) - …