二氢尿苷 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
二氢尿苷(英語: Dihydrouridine ,或称为5,6-二氢尿嘧啶核苷,缩写D [1] 、DHU、UH 2 )是一种嘧啶类核苷,由核碱基 5,6-二氢尿嘧啶与核糖通过C-N糖苷键连结而成,比常见的尿苷多了两个氢原子,使其嘧啶环上不存在碳碳双键,常见于rRNA和tRNA(D环),影响其RNA结构。
Activity-based RNA-modifying enzyme probing reveals DUS3L
2021年9月23日 · We investigate the mechanism of crosslinking and use quantitative nucleoside liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) analysis and 5-FUrd-based crosslinking and immunoprecipitation...
Full article: The Dihydrouridine landscape from tRNA to mRNA: a ...
The dihydrouridine (D, sometimes DHU) RNA modification is a modified pyrimidine nucleoside whose corresponding nucleobase is 5,6-dihydrouracil. D is synthesized from uridine (U) by hydrogenation [8] ( ). Reduction of the uridine C5-C6 bond generates a saturated nonplanar and nonaromatic nucleobase that is a landmark of dihydrouridine ( ).
Activity-based RNA modifying enzyme probing reveals DUS3L …
DHU is an abundant RNA modification found in all kingdoms of life 41-44. Yet, our understanding of this modified base in mammals is lacking. Our work provides the first transcriptome-wide characterization of the substrates of a mammalian dihydrouridine synthase.
tRNA的DHU环,TψC环与反密码环各有什么作用 ... - 知乎
D环:负责和 氨基酰tRNA聚合酶 结合。 TψC环:此臂负责和核糖体上的rRNA 识别结合。 可变环:从4 Nt到21 Nt不等,其功能是在tRNA的L型三维结构中负责连接两个区域(D环-反密码子环和TψC-受体臂)。 反密码子环:在氨基酸臂对面的单链环,负责识别反密码子。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。
(二)转运RNA(tRNA) - drhuang.com
tRNA(transfer RNA)是蛋白质合成中的接合器分子。 tRNA分子有100多种,各可携带一种氨基酸,将其转运到核蛋白体上,供蛋白质合成使用。 tRNA是细胞内分子量最小的一类核酸,由70~120核苷酸构成,各种tRNA无论在一级结构上,还是在二、三级结构上均有一些共同特点。
RNA中为什么会有T? - 知乎
在TRNA二级结构中,从5′末端起的第一个环是DHU环,以含二氢尿嘧啶为特征;第二个环为反密码子环,其环中部的三个碱基可以与mRNA中的三联体密码子形成碱基互补配对,构成所谓的反密码子(anticodon),在蛋白质合成中起解读密码子,把正确的氨基酸引入合成 ...
The dihydrouridine (D, sometimes DHU) RNA modification is a modified pyrimidine nucleoside whose corresponding nucleo-base is 5,6-dihydrouracil. D is synthesized from uridine (U) by hydrogenation [8] (Fig. 1A). Reduction of the uridine C5-C6 bond generates a saturated nonplanar and nonaromatic nucleobase that
转运核糖核酸(tRNA)的结构与功能 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
转运核糖核酸(transfer ribonucleic acid,tRNA)是一种比较小的RNA,一般由74-93个核苷酸构成,分子量约25 kd,沉降系数4 s。在发现microRNA之前,它是最小的RNA。 tRNA的功能是转运氨基酸,按照信使RNA的碱基序列合成蛋白质,称为接头作用。
Using RNA-mediated activity-based protein profiling, Dai et al. (2021) identified DUS3L as an RNA-modifying enzyme that installed DHU in the RNA molecule. DUS3L crosslinked with RNA, facilitated by 5-halopyrimidines. Crosslinking appeared to begin with enzymatic reduction of 5-halouridine to 5-halodihydrouridine, followed by nucleophilic attack of a conserved catalytic cysteine (C396 in DUS3L ...
Hydrogen-bonding interaction of 5,6-dihydrouracil with RNA …
2009年12月15日 · 5,6-Dihydrouracil (DHU) is a rare pyrimidine base naturally occurring in tRNAs, it differs from the base uracil due to the saturation of the C 5 –C 6 bond. This work presents the interaction energies of complexes formation involving DHU bound to the natural RNA bases adenine (A), uracil (U), guanine (G), and cytosine (C).
Escherichia coli RNA and DNA polymerase bypass of ... - PubMed
1998年4月1日 · Dihydrouracil (DHU) is a DNA base damage product produced in significant amounts by ionizing radiation damage to cytosine under anoxic conditions. DHU represents a model for pyrimidine base damage (ring saturation products) of the type recognized and repaired by Escherichia coli endonuclease III and …
Transfer RNA - Biology Reader
Transfer RNA is an RNA type that acts as the intermediary element, and plays a significant role in the loading and transferring amino acids to the site of protein synthesis, i.e. Ribosome. The t-RNA first decodes the information or the nucleotide sequences carried by the m-RNA.
DHU-Pred: accurate prediction of dihydrouridine sites using …
Dihydrouridine (D) is a modified transfer RNA post-transcriptional modification (PTM) that occurs abundantly in bacteria, eukaryotes, and archaea. The D modification assists in the stability and conformational flexibility of tRNA.
带有反密码子的tRNA如何与氨基酸特异性结合? - 知乎
2023年5月11日 · tRNA的结构可以用“四臂”记忆——受体臂(3’端总是腺嘌呤,氨基酸结合在这个腺嘌呤核苷酸的3’羟基上)、D臂(总是含有二氢尿嘧啶Dihydrouracil,因此得名,图中橙色环及其后的“柄”)、TΨC臂(含有5’-TΨC-3’结构,其中Ψ指假尿苷,图中绿色环及“柄”)和反密码子臂(含有反密码子,图中蓝色环及“柄”)。 这些环中包含未成对的碱基,它们之间的氢键使tRNA在正常生物体内扭曲成L型结构,大家记住这个结构,这玩意跟我们之后说的东西关系很大,AA …
陆昌瑞 - dhu.edu.cn
2022年7月1日 · 从事 RNA 的结构与功能、基因的表达与调控等研究:核糖核酸开关和其他非编码 RNA 的结构、机理和功能; Packaging RNA (pRNA) 的晶体结构与复合体的包装机理; 外切体复合物 的晶体结构与机理;昆虫胚胎耐冻性的分子机理,其成果发表于 NSMB 、 PNAS 、 NAR 、 …
Fluorescent labeling of tRNA dihydrouridine residues: Mechanism …
Dihydrouridine (DHU) positions within tRNAs have long been used as sites to covalently attach fluorophores, by virtue of their unique chemical reactivity toward reduction by NaBH 4, their abundance within prokaryotic and eukaryotic tRNAs, and the biochemical functionality of the labeled tRNAs so produced. Interpretation of experiments employing ...
转运核糖核酸(tRNA)的结构与功能 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
转运核糖核酸(transfer ribonucleic acid,tRNA)是一种比较小的RNA,一般由74-93个核苷酸构成,分子量约25 kd,沉降系数4 s。在发现microRNA之前,它是最小的RNA。 tRNA的功能是转运氨基酸,按照信使RNA的碱基序…
RNA polymerase bypass at sites of dihydrouracil: implications for ...
Dihydrouracil (DHU) is a major base damage product formed from cytosine following exposure of DNA to ionizing radiation under anoxic conditions. To gain insight into the DNA lesion structural requirements for RNA polymerase arrest or bypass at various DNA damages located on the transcribed strand du …
Fluorescent labeling of tRNA dihydrouridine residues: Mechanism …
Dihydrouridine (DHU) positions within tRNAs have long been used as sites to covalently attach fluorophores, by virtue of their unique chemical reactivity toward reduction by NaBH 4, their abundance within prokaryotic and eukaryotic tRNAs, and the biochemical functionality of the labeled tRNAs so produced. Interpretation of experiments employing ...