CP-168U 系列 - PCIe/UPCI/PCI 串口卡 - Moxa
CP-168U 是一款智能型 8 端口通用 PCI 多串口卡,专为 POS 和 ATM 应用而设计。此产品支持 Windows、Linux 和 UNIX 等多种不同的操作系统,是工业自动化工程师和系统集成商的首选 …
CP-168U - PCIe/UPCI/PCI 串口卡 CP-168U 系列 - Moxa
8-port RS-232 Universal PCI serial board, 0 to 55°C operating temperature.
CP-168U Series - PCIe/UPCI/PCI Serial Cards - Moxa
The CP-168U is a smart, 8-port universal PCI board designed for POS and ATM applications. It is a top choice of industrial automation engineers and system integrators, and supports many …
CP-168U 系列 - 软件和文档 - Moxa
Driver for CP-168U Series (Windows XP, 2008 or earlier) 759.9 KB 驱动程序 SHA-512. v1.24: Windows 2000; Windows Server 2003; Windows Server 2008; Windows Vista; Windows XP; …
CP-168U - PCIe/UPCI/PCI Serial Cards CP-168U Series - Moxa
Our PCI Express, Universal PCI, and PCI serial boards are built for industrial applications, and include models that can operate reliably in a wide temperature range.
CP-168U Series - Software & Documentation - Moxa
Still need assistance with your Moxa product? Get help and save time by initiating an online support request and we will connect you to an expert. Easily find drivers, software, and …
【CP-168U】摩莎(MOXA)CP-168U 8串口RS-232通用PCI多串口 …
【MOXA CP-168U】(MOXA CP-168U)报价_图片_参数_评测_论坛_MOXA CP-168U …
产品简介: MOXA CP-168 Universal PCI 系列串口卡可满足PC Server制造商目前大量使用的新式PCI插槽标准。 此外, CP-168U Universal PCI 串口卡可使用在3.3 V和5V的插槽,这使 …
Moxa CP-168U - MoxaStore.com
The CP-168U is a smart, 8-port universal PCI board designed for POS and ATM applications. It is a top choice of industrial automation engineers and system integrators, and supports many …
CP-168U by MOXA | IPC2U
MOXA CP-168U, 8xRS-232/921.6Kbps UPCI Board, Universal PCI Bus, Female DB62, 16KV ESD, without Cable. All kind of Industrial PC Qualified support Large stock Warranty