Asphodelos: The Second Circle | Final Fantasy Wiki | Fandom
Asphodelos: The Second Circle, known to players as P2, is the second turn of asphodelos in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. The warder Erichthonios has brought with him the chilling news that all creations within Asphodelos, the highest level of Pandæmonium, now run free of their fetters.
Asphodelos: The Second Circle - Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki - FFXIV …
2024年6月26日 · Asphodelos: The Second Circle is a level 90 raid introduced in patch 6.01 with Endwalker. The raid is also known as P2N. The Hippokampos does powerful AoE attacks that layer with each other aggressively, forcing the raid to dodge on tiny platforms. Note that the edge of the arena will kill any player that touches it.
The Second Circle Normal Raid Guide - Final Fantasy XIV - Icy Veins
2021年12月22日 · Welcome to our guide to The Second Circle, the second encounter in the first raid tier of Pandaemonium, Asphodelos. This guide aims to prepare players for the raid so they will know what to expect, with simple mechanic instructions and notes on what to watch out for. 1. The Hippokampos. 2. Lore. 3. Raid Guide. 4. Loot. 1.
Pandaemonium: Asphodelos (Savage) Raid Guides FFXIV 7.0
Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage) is the second encounter of the Pandæmonium: Asphodelos (Savage) raid series released for Patch 6.05. It is unlocked after completing Asphodelos: The First Circle (Savage). If you have any suggestions, corrections or feedback for particular phases please let us know at [email protected].
FF14 究极神兵绝境战(绝神兵)大型图解攻略 - gl.ffxiv.cn
p2、p4:优化了对烈焰碎击和诅咒之炎的技能描述; 部分技能名改为国服译名; 新增了特别鸣谢; 新增了一条相关攻略; 优化了板式上的一些细节; 修正了部分错别字
[攻略心得] 绝伊甸P2光之失控(光爆)六芒星、灰九之外的一个拉线 …
2025年3月20日 · [攻略心得] 绝伊甸P2光之失控(光爆)六芒星、灰九之外的一个拉线优化——南北东西法. 拉线图形同灰九。直接上视频链接: [[FF14×绝伊甸]P2-光之失控(光爆)踩塔 “南北东西”式跑法(六芒星、灰九融合)-哔哩哔哩] https://b23.tv/HN3ooNC 其原理是图形只有3个,六芒星、灰九、灰九镜像,可以通过枚举得到。
Asphodelos: The Second Circle | P2S - Final Fantasy XIV - SaltedXIV
Welcome to the SaltedXIV encounter guide for Asphodelos: The Second Circle (Savage)! This fight builds on some of the mechanics introduced in the normal version, while adding some extra difficulty and complexity. This raid requires an average item level of 575 to enter. Trying to track down that one strategy you saw that one time? Look no further!
P12S P2 | FFXIV Elemental Raid Macros
Check the Caloric Theory 1 strat. English parties will go with Papan’s original strat. Check whether the party will line up for Pangenesis (パンゲ整列). Parties that will not line up for Pangenesis will mention something like 非整列 or 整列なし. Japanese parties will do Mochibe’s strat for Caloric Theory 1. 【デミハルペリオン】 MT ST MT ST .
E12S P2 | FFXIV Elemental Raid Macros
E12S P2; Eden’s Promise: Eternity (Savage) - Part 2 . Thoughts Per Second (TPS) strat. Note: There are some details that are added in the macro, in particular, a DPS priority order for Basic Relativity. Things to check on Party Finder . ... Final Fantasy XIV Elemental DC Raid Macros ...
The Twelfth Circle (Savage) Part Two Raid Guide - Final Fantasy XIV ...
2023年6月27日 · This page contains an in-depth explanation of mechanics and their solutions for part two of The Twelfth Circle (Savage) raid encounter in FFXIV.
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