Investigation of FeB alloy prepared by an electric arc method and …
2009年1月1日 · The structural characteristics of the as-prepared FeB alloy were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and the electrochemical performances were investigated using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and charge–discharge test.
Investigation of FeB alloy prepared by an electric arc method and …
2009年1月1日 · High active FeB alloy was prepared by an electric arc method, and used as the anode material for alkaline secondary batteries. The structural characteristics of the as-prepared FeB alloy were studied using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and the electrochemical performances were investigated using cyclic ...
Analysis of XPS spectra of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions in oxide materials
2008年2月15日 · The XPS spectra of Fe 3p for Fe 3 O 4, and Fe 0.94 O are analysed using the Fe 3+ and Fe 2+ peak parameters obtained from Fe 2 O 3 and 2FeO·SiO 2. The results of the analyses show that the Fe 2+ /Fe 3+ atomic ratio in stoichiometric Fe 3 O 4 is accurately predicted within experimental uncertainty.
High resolution XPS spectra of Fe 2p (a) and O 1s (b) in
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed to evaluate the composition of the samples. Figure 3 shows the typical high resolution XPS spectra of Fe 2p, O 1s and S 2p.
关于过渡金属元素的XPS图谱疑问解答 - 知乎
XPS,即X射线光电子能谱。 原理简单来说是将X射线光子入射到样品上,将样品的光电子和俄歇电子激发出来。 在阅读文献中,经常可以看到XPS图谱,用来分析样品表面元素的价态变化、成分和分子结构 下面以一个图来举例…
High-resolution XPS spectra of Fe2p (a), Ni2p (b), and
The XPS peak at 859.4 eV hints a strong interaction of the nickel particles and MoC x support, in which nickel contributes electrons to MoC x due to their similar d-band state [56,57].
超级详解丨XPS原理、特点,定性、定量、深度剖析和角分辨电子 …
X 射线光电子能谱 ( X-ray photoecectron spectroscopy, XPS) 技术是一种通过一束入射到样品表面3~10nm 深度的光子束,检测材料表面信息的无损测量技术。 XPS 技术能很好地使样品保持其原有的结构信息,可用于定性…
X射线光电子能谱(XPS)谱图分析 - 知乎专栏
最强的光电子线常常是谱图中强度最大、峰宽最小、对称性最好的谱峰,称为XPS谱图中的主线。 每一种元素 (H和He除外)都有自己最强的、具有表征作用的光电子线,它是元素定性分析的主要依据。
氧化物材料中Fe2+和Fe3+离子的XPS光谱分析,Applied Surface …
结果表明高分辨率 XPS 技术可用于确定金属氧化物中的 Fe2+/Fe3+ 比率。 该技术具有应用于其他过渡金属氧化物系统的潜力。 铁氧化物 Fe0.94O、Fe3O4、Fe2O3 和 Fe2SiO4 的样品在受控气体气氛中通过高温平衡制备。 样品在真空中断裂并测量断裂表面的高分辨率 XPS 光谱。 Fe2+ 和Fe3+ 的Fe 3p 峰位置和峰形参数分别来自2FeO·SiO2 和Fe2O3 标准样品的Fe 3p XPS 光谱。 使用这些参数,分析了 Fe3O4 和 Fe1-yO 的 Fe 3p 峰。 结果表明高分辨率 XPS 技术可用于确 …
Iron | XPS Periodic Table | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
Iron X-ray photoelectron spectra, iron electron configuration, and other elemental information. Experimental information. Fe2p overlaps strongly with Ni LMM Auger peaks, e.g., in some steel samples. Can use weaker Fe3p or Fe3s peaks instead for quantification. Some compounds/alloys of iron are magnetic. Degauss samples if possible before analysis.
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