Circe - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Circe can be summoned from the tutorial summon after 25M Downloads Campaign. After clearing Chapter 3 of Salem Main Quest, her true name will be revealed to the player.
Circe | TYPE-MOON Wiki | Fandom
Circe WP (キルケー WP, Kirukē?), Class Name Caster (キャスター, Kyasutā?), also known as Caster of Okeanos (オケアノスのキャスター, Okeanosu no Kyasutā?), is a Caster -class …
喀耳刻(游戏《Fate/Grand Order》中的4星Caster)_百度百科
喀耳刻,游戏《Fate/Grand Order》中的4星从者。 喀耳刻是一名圣晶石常驻从者,职阶为 Caster,宝具为单攻型宝具。 [1] 神话中有名的诱惑与堕落之魔女。 容易爱上他人,醋劲很大 …
俄刻阿诺斯的Caster - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
喀耳刻 是 TYPE-MOON 旗下游戏 《Fate/Grand Order》 及其衍生作品的登场角色。 身为魔术师,建造对自身有利的阵地。 丰收的飨宴会化作赞颂女神赫卡忒的“祭坛”。 能够制作带有魔力 …
FGO 姑姑喀耳刻测评,独一无二的猪化效果宝具 - 哔哩哔哩
外文名:キルケー,Circe. 别 名:姑姑,俄刻阿诺斯的Caster. 配 音:茜屋日海夏. 性 别:女. 登场作品:《Fate/Grand Order》 身 高:147 cm. 体 重:39 kg. 属 性:混沌·中庸. 地 域:欧洲. …
Rabbit's Reviews #65: Circe (4* Caster) - Fate / Grand Order
Circe is a stall servant first and foremost—she just happens to also do ST damage on her NP. She’ll do best paired with servants who also provide survivability and who can help with her …
Circe/Dialogue - Fate/Grand Order Wiki | Fandom
↑ 1.0 1.1 Kykeon is a ritual drink of oats, barley, or other ingredients suspended in wine. In the Odyssey, Circe slips the potion that turns Odysseus' companions into pigs in cups of kykeon …
Character in FGO Investigating the medical arts instructed by the goddess Hecate, she dispenses magical medicines with various effects. She assisted in the learning of magecraft of her niece …
Circe | Fate/Grand Order Wikia | Fandom
Increases party's critical star generation rate for 3 turns. Removes all allies' debuffs. Increases own Arts card performance by 8%. Increases own debuff success rate by 10%. Deals strong …
Circe - MyWaifuList
Circe, Class Name Caster, also known as Caster of Okeanos, is a Caster-class Servant summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. She is also …
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