My Geco SRPP+ pre-amp, - a thing of wonderment.. - AVForums
2010年2月1日 · The SRPP+ has been a total revelation in my system which consists at the moment of a Geco Kidnap power amp, Vandersteen 2Ce Signature speakers bi-wired using Straightwire speaker cable. Source was mainly a Wyred4sound Dac2 using MIT and Audioquest interconnects but I also listened to a turntable and other sources.
HIFIDIY论坛-SRPP解构 - Powered by Discuz!
2012年1月24日 · 当今,普遍(新)的观点是:srpp由一个共阴放大器和一个作为它的恒流源负载的阴随器组成(高! 同时提供了高、低两种阻抗)。 因为恒流源的全部特征是高阻抗,五极管看起来是作为上面这个有源负载的最佳选择。
2023年4月18日 · 在经历重新建模和多电路实验后,认为改管子在srpp电路上调整不到合适的参数,后来也实验了很多个电路,均失望。 昨晚在实验到上面连接mld大哥的原理图后,终于得到满意的数据,未经实验,只对仿真数据负责。
SRPP+ All-in-One & Mu Followers - Tube CAD
With a generic SRPP circuit, we can only change resistor R2’s value, so R2 and the external load resistance must be manipulated to yield optimal performance. For example, the following formula tells us what the optimal load impedance is for a given triode and Rak value:
The Optimised SRPP Amp (Part 1) By Merlin Blencowe Some deceptively-simple circuits, explained for the audio amateur. The SRPP is a most enigmatic circuit (fig. 1), and seems to cause bewilderment and inspiration in equal measure, among many valve enthusiasts. It is frequently confused with other, vaguely similar-looking circuits,
HIFIDIY论坛-何谓SRPP线路?有何优缺点? - Powered by Discuz!
2008年3月30日 · SRPP buffer是没有放大功能的,作用是提供稳定的抵组抗输出。Audio SpaceLine3.1四胆前级和最新推出的遥控四GT胆Pre-1前级就正是用上这线路。 SRPP线路常用胆有12AT7、12AU7、6DJ8、6SN7。SRPP线路并不局限于胆机上,纵使全晶体管制作又或是胆石混合制作也可以用上这设计。
谈谈SRPP - 〓电子管技术区〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 - Powered by …
2024年9月23日 · 流行已久的SRPP大家都不陌生,但这电路出处迷茫,来自何方却萦绕许久,翻阅几十年前的教科书、产品规格书没看见过SRPP,倒是屡见SEPP的身影,一字母之差,大概率是新生代,有专门介绍他的文章,于是就被照本宣科传开了。 这款电路架构的优缺点大家也了解过,实验过,口碑却不一 、、、坦白说,做胆机,我极少用它,低频电压放大时,这家伙没啥强大优势,增益等性能并不出众、还费管子,电压太高又受不了,有一种下个小雨都都大呼牙麦蝶的 …
Geco SRPP+ valve pre build instructions & Circuit diagram
2013年10月22日 · Hi, I have 3 boards to build a Geco SRPP+ power supply and preamp, however, I can't find any information on the build. Does anyone have the build instructions, a BOM, and a circuit diagram that they could share?
Geco SRPP+ pre Problem | AVForums South Africa - Audio Video …
2021年11月23日 · A Geco SRPP+ recently came my way. On switching it on for the first time it worked fine until all functionality locked up. So basically i cant control volume, input selection etc. it does not respond at all. It will work again after leaving it off for a while only to lock up again. The remote has signal so i dont think it's that.
First SRPP, Then SRPP+ - Tube CAD
SRPP+ Versus Plain-Jane SRPP The SRPP+ differed from the generic SRPP by using two resistors in place of the SRPP’s single Rak resistor. Thus, we should incorporate the improvement into the inductor-loaded impedance-multiplier circuit. Why is the extra resistor so important? It allows us to “tune” the SRPP to different load impedances.