光催化常用表征与测试 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
XPS 用于研究样品表面化学状态和化学组成,具有很高的表面检测灵敏度,可达到 10-3原子单层,但体相检测灵敏度仅为 0.1 % 左右,其表面采样深度为 2.0~5.0 nm。
异丙醇在SiO2表面的吸附与表面反应,Journal of ... - X-MOL
通过 X 射线光电子能谱 (XPS) 分析 IPA 处理前后SiO 2表面的化学结构。 使用配备 SiO 2反应器和傅里叶变换红外光谱 (FT-IR) 的在线评估系统研究 IPA 的分解行为。 在温度高于 150 °C 的 IPA 处理过程中,不同类型的有机物沉积在 SiO2 上2 个表面,取决于温度。 SiO 2没有被还原,并且它的表面状态在低于350°C的温度下没有改变。 此外,我们研究了经过和未经 IPA 处理的 SiO 2表面吸附的三甲基铝 (TMAl) 的量。 结果,通过IPA处理,吸附在SiO 2表面上的TMAl量减少了 …
继7篇Nature+Science后,大佬又发Nature Energy! - 知乎专栏
韩国蔚山国立科学技术院(UNIST)Sang Il Seok等人发现一步法中添加的 异丙醇溶剂 会与CH3NH3Cl发生化学反应,生成的异丙铵阳离子能够稳定了α-FAPbI3相。 在此基础上,研究人员通过将iPAmHCl添加到钙钛矿前驱体溶液,通过一步法制备的PSC实现了23.9%的认证效率。 在氮气氛和1个太阳照射下,初始效率约为20%的器件在1000 h后效率上升到23%,再经过1000小时后,它逐渐降低到约22%。 使用IPA的制备方法比较. 为了理解两步法,一步法以及在一步法中 …
Adsorption and surface reaction of isopropyl alcohol on SiO
2022年7月11日 · The chemical structures of the SiO 2 surfaces before and after IPA treatment were analyzed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The decomposition behavior of IPA was investigated using an in-line evaluation system equipped with a SiO 2 reactor and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy
Highly selective PDMS-PVDF composite membrane with …
2022年10月25日 · Stabilized flux of 0.30 LMH and IPA content in permeate >99.95% were achieved in PV test using the PDMS PFTES membrane. An energy-efficient pervaporation (PV) facile approach was designed to remove isopropanol during α, ω-diol production.
Cleaned with 100% Iso-Propyl Alcohol (100% IPA) - XPS Metrology
Cleaning with 100% IPA Method. 100% IPA, due to polarity, has a modest ability to dissolve some inorganic materials so you need to test a spare sample before using it on the main sample. After determining that 100% IPA will not harm your sample surface, then …
Original XPS spectra of the surface (a) cleaned with water only, (b ...
Figure 6 presents the original XPS spectra of the PMMA surface after three diUerent treatments: water cleaning only, IPA treatment, and IPA followed by microwaving. Figure 6 a shows the...
XPS spectra of (a) untreated sample and (b) sample I75 treated …
To investigate the cleaning effect of the IPA/H2O treatment, XPS was performed on various graphene samples. Fig. 2 shows a comparison of the XPS C 1s peaks before and after treatment.
Isopropanol-treated PEDOT:PSS as electron transport layer in polymer ...
2014年12月1日 · We performed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements of P3HT:PCBM active layers with and without IPA-treated PEDOT:PSS ETL in order to probe the inner compositional change of the film surface.
FIGURE 2 | XPS survey spectrum of (A) AC and (B) IPA/AC....
High-resolution O1s XPS spectra of IPA/AC is shown in Figure 2D, three peaks can be easily identified at the binding energy 531.71, 533.08, and 533.17 eV, corresponding to O = C-O, C-OH and O =...