Value-stream mapping - Wikipedia
Value-stream mapping, also known as material- and information-flow mapping, [1] is a lean [2] -management method for analyzing the current state and designing a future state for the series of events that take a product or service from the beginning of the specific process until it …
Guide: Value Stream Map (VSM) - Learn Lean Sigma
Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a lean management method used to understand and analyse the current state process map and design a future state for the series of events that take a product or service from raw material and information into a complete product for the customer.
¿Qué es VSM y cómo se hace un Value Stream Mapping? - Asana
El mapa de flujo de valor (VSM) implica cuatro pasos básicos: Generar un mapa del proceso actual. Encontrar y eliminar los desperdicios. Generar un mapa del proceso mejorado que se utilizará en el futuro. Implementar el proceso que se utilizará en el futuro
Value Stream Mapping Tutorial - What is VSM? - ASQ
Value stream mapping (VSM) is defined as a lean tool that employs a flowchart documenting every step in the process. Many lean practitioners see VSM as a fundamental tool to identify waste, reduce process cycle times, and implement process improvement.
Value Stream Mapping: Identify And Eliminate Process Waste
Value Stream Mapping is a Lean technique used to visualize the flow of materials, information, and tasks required to deliver a product or service to the customer. Unlike traditional process maps, which focus only on individual steps, VSM shows the bigger picture, emphasizing where value is added and where waste occurs along the process.
VSM:初识价值流图(Value-stream mapping) - 知乎专栏
价值流图(VSM)是企业用来定义、分析和优化整个生产过程所需的信息流、物料流的技术。 从客户的角度来看,该模型包含了增值步骤和非增值步骤,与流程图结构类似。 价值流图的主要目的是帮助管理者和团队领导者为他们的组织建立一个高效、集成的资源和信息流系统。 这个模型是由查尔斯·克诺佩尔在他关于有效方法论的书中首次指出的。 在往后,价值流图分析在20世纪随着精益管理的发展而流行起来,并被丰田等许多领先企业所采用。 到了20世纪90年代,价值流图已 …
Value Stream Mapping for Operational Excellence
1 天前 · Gone are the days of sketching value stream maps by hand! Today, digital VSM tools make mapping faster, more accurate, and easier to share across teams. Top Digital VSM Tools. Lucidchart: It is a user-friendly tool with drag-and-drop mapping features. It’s very easy to create, edit, and share value stream maps.
What is value stream mapping (VSM)? - Asana
2025年2月2日 · Value stream mapping (VSM) is a way to analyze your current state of work and develop a more efficient future state. This process helps you visualize how you work so you can uncover areas that need improvement. In this piece, we’ll explain the value of VSM and how to create your own value stream map.
Qué es VSM y cómo se hace un Value Stream Mapping
2025年2月11日 · Los sistemas VSM son una manera de representar y potenciar dicha confluencia entre materias primas, información y tiempo empleado. El value stream mapping industrial, o mapa del flujo de valor, es una herramienta visual que realiza un seguimiento de todo el proceso productivo hasta obtener el producto final con un valor añadido.
Vsm Value Stream Mapping Guide - Neh Institute Hub
2025年1月5日 · Value Stream Mapping Tools and Techniques. There are several tools and techniques that can be used to support the VSM process, including: Swimlane diagrams: A type of flowchart that uses lanes or columns to categorize and organize processes.. Spaghetti diagrams: A type of diagram that shows the flow of materials and information through a process.. Value stream mapping software: Specialized ...