MedKit® Gaming Mystery Boxes
Unleash the power of the Medkit and experience gaming like never before. Order your mystery box today and prepare to be captivated by the contents that are sure to excite and impress. Whether you win a mega prize or discover top-tier gear, Medkit is committed to delivering a gaming experience that is out of this world.
How can you use a medikit and how can you throw light torches?
2017年1月1日 · You hold the right mouse button to aim a lit torch. Left-click to throw it while it's aimed. To use a medkit, press Q and mouse over to the "Medkit" section. DO NOT CLICK IT. Simply hover over it and release Q. Then, hold R. This will activate the medkit, and Ripley will inject it into her arm.
Alien Resurrection - Guide and Walkthrough - PlayStation
2001年1月12日 · It is possible to use a Dual Shock controller plus a Playstation mouse to control the game. I tried this combination but found it even more clumsy than just a controller. As usual read the manual...
MedKit - PSForever Wiki
Medical Kit (Medkit) The standard Medkit restores 25 health points and is a one-use-only item. Once equipped, a Medkit shortcut is available on your hotbar for quick application during combat. The Medkit has a timer associated with use, allowing one heal every two-three seconds. It takes up 4x2 inventory units.
Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol (Sony PlayStation 1, 2000) - eBay
Rangers have a health bar that starts out at full health, and gets drained progressively as the ranger takes damage. Using a medkit during levels can cure the ranger up to full health instantaneously. If a ranger's bar is totally depleted before he can use a medkit he's killed.
Tomb Raider - Walkthrough - PlayStation - By Rimracker
Get the medkit and use the switch to open the door at the bottom of those stairs earlier in the game (above the rock slide). Pull the block until you can get behind it and get the Rusty Key. Swim...
Duke Nukem: Time to Kill – Guide and Walkthrough - GameFAQs
2002年5月29日 · Unlike a regular medkit, the unused portion is stored for later use. It starts with 100 points that go down with usage, not time of usage(ex. Duke has 53 health and a full Portable Medkit....
Steam Workshop::L4D2 - PS1 - Steam Community
2024年7月21日 · The PS2, the world's greatest selling gaming console of all time replaces the Medkit in L4D. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1647719961395944633/B0937C25FC453FDBCE963C5EDEC214AD015E7EDD/...
Enlisted - German Starter Bundle - Official PlayStation™Store US
2023年12月14日 · To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may …
Hardcore Gaming 101 - Blog: PS1 on PSN: Kyuin / キュイーン
2010年1月22日 · Getting hit loses your weapon and the nozzle, so you can’t get more power attacks until you’ve collected a medkit which restores the nozzle. Dying results in you restarting a few screens behind an invisible checkpoint, meaning it’s possible to beat a boss, die, and then restart before said boss.
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