Direct solvent free synthesis of bare α-NiS, β-NiS and α-β-NiS ...
2020年2月24日 · This study demonstrates a potentially scalable, solvent free and phase selective synthesis of uncapped α-NiS, β-NiS and α-β-NiS composites using nickel alkyl (ethyl, octyl) xanthate...
Synthesis of hierarchical NiS microflowers for high performance ...
2017年1月15日 · The microstructure and chemical composition of as-prepared NiS was confirmed by means of SEM, TEM, XRD, BET and XPS. The SEM analysis results demonstrated that the NiS microflowers were composed of hierarchical nanoplates, and its surface was much rougher compared to that of Ni (OH) 2 templates after sulfidation.
Interpretation of Ni2p XPS spectra of Ni conductors and Ni …
Ni2p 3/2 peak structures and binding energies reflect two energetic contributions. The major contribution is that associated with the electrostatic field produced by ejection of the Ni (2p) photoelectron, the minor contribution is the relaxation energy associated with filling unoccupied, conduction band 3d 9 and 4s Ni metal orbitals.
XPS spectra of (a) Ni 2p and (b) S 2p in NiS2/NiS nanocrystals
In this study, we report on the synthesis and characterization of a 2D-2D nanosheets of NiCuInS2: In2S3/g-C3N4 (NCIS/CN) as a highly efficient photocatalyst for hydrogen production.
a Full XPS spectrum of NiS, high-resolution XPS spectra of b Ni …
The developed 3D hierarchical porous structure and high specific area of membrane matrix provide strong space for the exposure of NiS active sites, and the NiS nanolayers loaded in the membrane...
The XPS spectra of the materials: XPS survey of a) NiS2@C and b)...
Ultrafine NiS 2 nanocrystals and their nano–microstructure demonstrate high pseudocapacitive Na-storage capability and thus excellent rate performance (355.7 mAh/g at 20.0 A/g).
有关Ni的XPS分析 - 催化 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 互动社区
最近在分析XPS的谱图,有一些问题,望高人指点:1、关于结合能,感觉与标准谱图有偏差,是根据C1s峰进行校正还是主峰进行校正? 2、下图中将第二个峰定义为卫星峰(859eV),看到文献中有提到零价镍的峰面积占总面积的80%,卫星峰小于20%。 请问这个说法对吗?
镍 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
镍 • 过渡金属 镍元素 XPS 主峰: Ni2p 干扰峰: Fe LMM 常见化学状态的结合能:
Synthesis of Tunable Band Gap Semiconductor Nickel Sulphide ...
2016年5月17日 · Controlled shape and size with tuneable band gap (1.92–2.41 eV), nickel sulphide NPs was achieved in presence of thiourea or thioacetamide as sulphur sources with the variations of temperature and...
Interpretation of Ni2p XPS spectra of Ni conductors and Ni …
2000年5月1日 · A surface analysis has been conducted on a series of electrodeposited nickel‐phosphorus (Ni–P) alloys containing from 6 to 29 at.% phosphorus, using X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X‐ray…