Prefrontal cortex as a key node in arousal circuitry
2022年10月1日 · In this opinion article we review evidence supporting the hypothesis that the PFC, long associated with higher cognitive functions, is a critical node in arousal circuitry that regulates level of consciousness. First, we consider the neuroanatomical relationship of the PFC in rodents and primates to aid interpretation of basic research studies.
Coupling between prefrontal brain activity and respiratory …
2022年2月1日 · In adults, self-regulation involves coupling between the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and vagal activity. We investigate whether the coupling of brain and respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) activity is evident during infancy.
Single-neuron projectome of mouse prefrontal cortex - Nature
2022年3月31日 · In this study, we developed a software package, Fast Neurite Tracer (FNT), for high-throughput projectome reconstruction and analysis for TB-sized light microscopic imaging data. Using FNT, we...
Stress-induced vagal activity influences anxiety-relevant prefrontal ...
2024年1月9日 · In this study, we examined the influence of VNS on anxiety-related behavior and anxiety-relevant PFC-AMY LFP patterns in stress-susceptible mice. Overall, our results provided physiological...
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) and amygdala (AMY) have been suggested to be the principal brain regions associated with anxiety 18–20 and their interregional coordina-
通往下丘脑室旁核的专用 C 纤维迷走神经感觉传入通路,Brain …
孤束核(NTS)从迷走神经接收内脏感觉信息来调节多种稳态反射功能。 NTS 投射到其他大脑区域的广泛网络,包括下丘脑室旁核 (PVN)。 在这里,我们检查了大鼠脑干切片中PVN投射NTS神经元的主要传入通路的突触特征。 瞬时受体电位香草酸受体(TRPV1+)的表达区分孤束(ST)内的C纤维传入神经和A纤维(TRPV1) -)。 我们使用树脂毒素 (RTX)(一种 TRPV1 激动剂)来区分两者。 诱发兴奋性突触后电流 (ST-EPSC) 的潜伏期(抖动)的可变性将单突触 ST-EPSC 与 …
PFC, prefrontal cortex; NTS, nucleus of the tractus ... - ResearchGate
There is evidence that accumulated senescent cells drive age-related pathologies, but the antecedents to the cellular stressors that induce senescence remain poorly understood. Previous research...
Trends in Neurosci最新观点: 在争议中前行!前额叶皮质作为觉醒 …
2022年8月25日 · PFC除了与多个觉醒促进核团有双向交流以外,还投射纤维到 孤束核 (NTS)以及纹状体,前者可以促进交感反射(血压/心率的上升)的恢复,后者可以间接影响上行回路。 研究显示,在麻醉期间,将卡巴可(胆碱能激动剂)或者去甲肾上腺素注射到大鼠mPFC中会导致大鼠清醒,但注射到顶叶则不会出现上述现象。 后来在睡眠-觉醒实验中,也重复观察到了这种现象。 逆向实验,即用河豚毒素(TTX)失活mPFC后,发现全麻大鼠的意识恢复延迟,这种现象 …
Cell | 抽丝剥茧:探寻前额叶皮层各类神经元与认知行为关系 - 知乎
Frontiers | Prefrontal modulation of anxiety through a lens of ...
2023年4月16日 · The PFC is thought to coordinate situational evaluation and corresponding behavioral outcomes through its extensive connections with other regions of the brain, including the amygdala, bed nucleus stria terminalis (BNST), insula, striatum, lateral septum, and the paraventricular thalamic nucleus (PVT), among others in underlying anxiety ...