RTX Remix | The Ultimate Modding Platform - NVIDIA
RTX Remix is an open-sourced platform that allows modders to easily capture game assets, automatically enhance materials with generative AI tools, and create stunning RTX remasters that feature full ray tracing and neural rendering technologies including DLSS …
RTX Remix | 梦寐以求的 MOD 平台 - NVIDIA
借助 RTX Remix,您可以轻松捕捉游戏素材,使用生成式 AI 工具自动增强材质,并快速创建具有全景光线追踪和 DLSS 4 多帧生成功能的令人惊叹的 RTX 重制版。
NVIDIA RTX Remix Runtime Open Source Available Now
2023年4月12日 · RTX Remix is a revolutionary modding platform to remaster classic DirectX 8 and 9 games (that have fixed function pipelines) with path tracing, NVIDIA DLSS, AI-enhanced textures, and user-created assets.
Combined repo for the RTX-Remix runtime and toolkit - GitHub
NVIDIA RTX Remix, built on NVIDIA Omniverse, is an end-to-end platform for remastering DirectX 8 and 9 games with fixed function pipelines. NVIDIA RTX Remix enables experienced modders to remaster classic games by upgrading textures with AI, allowing easy replacement of game assets with high fidelity assets built with physically accurate ...
下載 RTX Remix | 遊戲改裝平台 - NVIDIA
RTX Remix Runtime 會在播放時以修改過的資源動態取代原始資源,同時注入路徑追蹤、DLSS 3.5 和 Reflex 等 RTX 技術。 使用遊戲內迷你窗即時快速調整模組,並透過 RTX Remix 創建應用程式捕獲遊戲中的資源。
NVIDIA RTX Remix 公测版现已发布 — 下载即可制作经典游戏的全 …
借助 NVIDIA RTX Remix,Mod 玩家可以利用全景光线追踪、NVIDIA DLSS、NVIDIA Reflex、现代基于物理的渲染 (PBR) 和生成式 AI 纹理工具来重制他们喜爱的经典游戏。 从现在起,所有 Mod 玩家都可以免费下载 NVIDIA RTX Remix 公测版。 只需 下载 Omniverse Launcher,在“Exchange”选项卡上搜索 RTX Remix,然后下载/安装即可。 在由 NVIDIA 重制的 “传送门 (Portal)”RTX 版 以及由 Mod 玩家重制的 “传送门:序曲 (Portal: Prelude)”RTX 版 中,RTX …
Releases · NVIDIAGameWorks/rtx-remix - GitHub
2023年4月12日 · Improvements to RTX Remix menus and documentation: expanded and clarified the existing documentation, and added tooltips in the UI to make it more accessible. Debug symbols for the release are now available in a separate remix-0.2.0-symbols.zip package to make debugging the source code from the compiled binaries easier.
NVIDIA RTX Remix Runtime 开源版现已发布
2023年4月12日 · RTX Remix 是一个革命性的 Mod 平台,借助路径追踪、NVIDIA DLSS、AI 增强的纹理和用户创建的素材,重制一系列经典具有固定功能流水线的 DirectX 8 和 DirectX 9 游戏。 RTX Remix 是 NVIDIA Studio 应用套件的一部分,由两个核心组件组成,即 RTX Remix 创作者工具套件和自定义 RTX Remix Runtime。 这两个组件协同工作,使 Modder 能够重制经典 PC 游戏。 RTX Remix 创作者工具套件基于 NVIDIA Omniverse 构建, “传送门 RTX 版 (Portal with …
NVIDIAGameWorks/toolkit-remix: RTX Remix Toolkit - GitHub
The RTX Remix Toolkit is a robust modding tool tailored to enhance classic DirectX 8 and 9 games. Powered by NVIDIA Omniverse, this toolkit equips modders with advanced editing capabilities to elevate game assets.
NVIDIA RTX Remix — NVIDIA RTX Remix 1.0.0 documentation
With NVIDIA RTX Remix, experienced modders can upgrade textures with AI, easily replace game assets with high fidelity assets built with physically accurate (PBR) materials, and inject RTX ray tracing, DLSS and Reflex technologies into the game. It’s like giving your old games a makeover with gorgeous modern-looking graphical mods.
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