从 GB 转换为 TB - ABCD Tools
gb也叫吉字节(GB、Gigabyte,在中国又被称为吉咖字节、京字节、十亿字节、戟、千兆字节),常简写为G,是一种十进制的信息计量单位。 TB 太字节(Terabyte),计算机存储容量单位,也常用TB来表示。
TB to GB Conversion Terabytes to Gigabytes Calculator
1 Terabyte is equal to 1024 gigabytes (binary). 1 TB = 2 10 GB in base 2. Terabyte unit symbol is TB, Gigabyte unit symbol is GB. Terabyte is greater than Gigabyte. TB has the prefix Tera. GB has the prefix Giga. Terabyte is 1000 times bigger than Gigabyte.
数据存储单位换算,BIT / B / KB / MB / GB / TB 换算 - 在线工具 …
TBS GB - Wikipedia
TBS GB (Telematic and Biomedical Services Great Britain) is the UK [1] arm of the ITAL TBS group of companies. ITAL TBS is a provider of healthcare and clinical engineering in Europe [2], with total revenue of US$200 million in 2006.
储存容量单位:Bit, Byte, KB, MB, GB, TB , PB, EB, ZB, YB等的关 …
从字节开始往上按照千分位递进,分别就是KiloByte (KB)、MegaByte (MB)、GigaByte (GB)、TeraByte (TB)、PetaByte (PB)、ExaByte (EB)、ZettaByte (ZB)、YottaByte (YB)。 1KB就是1024个字节,或者说2的10次方、大约10的3次方;1YB已经是2的80次方、大约10的24次方个字节,完整地写下来就是1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,176。 TB的级别再往上,其实还有PB,EB,ZB,YB,NB,甚至还有DB。
Convert Terabyte to Gigabyte - Unit Converter
Instant free online tool for terabyte to gigabyte conversion or vice versa. The terabyte [TB] to gigabyte [GB] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert terabyte or gigabyte to other data storage units or learn more about data storage conversions.
内存1TB等于多少GB? - 百度知道
内存TB转换为GB有三种情况的转换值: 1、1TB理论值: 1TB=1024G;1GB=1024MB。 理论值就是计算机或课本里面学习用的数值,通常在课本上或者计算机内部计算上都是以1024倍为换算单位的。 2、1TB厂家值: 1TB=1000G;1G=1000M。 对于行业厂家早已经形成内部规格,硬盘厂商为了更好计算而没有采用理论值去计算,而是以1000为换算单位,方便计算。 所以你购买的1TB硬盘通常其表面容量上会标注1000G,但卖的时候都是按照1TB来卖的,因此这就是按照 …
Convert Terabytes to Gigabytes (TB → GB)
Convert between the units (TB → GB) or see the conversion table.
Convert TB to GB - Conversion of Measurement Units
How many TB in 1 GB? The answer is 0.0009765625. We assume you are converting between terabyte and gigabyte. You can view more details on each measurement unit: TB or GB The main non-SI unit for computer data storage is the byte. 1 byte is equal to 9.0949470177293E-13 TB, or 9.3132257461548E-10 GB.
Terabytes and Gigabytes Converter (TB and GB)
Use this calculator to convert terabytes (TB) to gigabytes (GB) and gigabytes to terabytes. This converter is part of the full data storage converter tool.