Yak-15P | War Thunder Wiki
The Yak-15P, introduced in Update 1.31, is a very peculiar aircraft among all the early jets of War Thunder. Unlike the only other jet in history to be successfully derived and mass-produced from a pre-existing piston fighter, the Swedish J21R, the Yak-15P does not sacrifice its
Yakovlev Yak-15 - Wikipedia
The Yakovlev Yak-15 (Russian: Яковлев Як-15; NATO reporting name: Feather, [1] USAF/DOD designation Type 2 [2]) is a first-generation Soviet turbojet fighter developed by the Yakovlev design bureau (OKB) immediately after World War II.
请教一下雅克15到底怎么玩,孩子买来被打哭了【战争雷霆吧】_ …
但是众所周知现在JU288有多泛滥,雅克15P在面对海量的288时显得力不从心,蜜汁弹道和低备弹以及不稳定毁伤要求必须在近距离能拉到大窗口,可是288的自卫火力又难以实现这一打法. 这玩意还屑啊 苏修所有23炮都是一样的练好了就是乱杀 练不好就是泼完了也杀不到人。 6.3的雅克15 低空 高速穿插 绕 不到200米有稳定窗口不开火,这飞机我白板打到完全体KD就过2奔3了,什么F2G 熊猫 152 全都爬! 多数情况一局需要补一次弹药再进场,只要想跑不作死很难被抓死。 吊喷 …
雅克15p的机动、存速、指向都相当好,大部分敌机黏上就能绕死,而且终究是喷气,平飞比活塞快,活塞遇上15p就是跑不过又绕不过。 凭借顶尖指向打团收割也行,只是备弹少很考验枪法。
雅克-15 - 百度百科
Yak-15是前苏联雅克福列夫设计局研制的亚音速单座喷气式战斗机,也是前苏联的第一款喷气式战斗机,于1946年首次试飞,共生产了280架。 该型机是将 Yak-3 活塞式螺旋桨战斗机的机体,改装上喷气式发动机短舱和喷管而成的一种战斗机。
Yak-15P | War Thunder Wiki | Fandom
On 9 April 1945, the Council of People's Commissars ordered the Yakovlev OKB to develop a single-seat jet fighter to be equipped with a single German Jumo 004 engine. To save time, Yakovlev based the new design (known as the Yak-3-Jumo or Yak-Jumo) on the latest version of his successful Yakovlev Yak-3 piston-engined fighter.
Thoughts on Yak15p? I love it but I'm curious to know why so ... - Reddit
2023年1月26日 · Both Yak-15s behave like and are literally, LITERALLY, a Yak-3 with a jet engine shoved up it. It maintains so much of the Yak-3, down to the rip speed, that it amounts to a Yak-3 with jet acceleration and a better gun.
Yak-15 | War Thunder Wiki
The Yak-15 was one of the first attempts by the Soviet Union to produce a jet-engined fighter. Development started at the end of WWII, and to reduce development time, it was decided to use the existing airframe of the Yak-3 piston fighter and adapt a reverse-engineered German Junkers Jumo 004 engine.
Yak-15 - War Thunder Wiki
The new Yakovlev fighter was originally called the Yak-Jumo but later obtained the designation Yak-15. The first flight of the Yak-15 was on April 24, 1946, and the plane was launched into full-scale production in the autumn of the same year.
Discussion #176: Yak-15, Yak-15P and Yak-17 : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2017年3月1日 · The Yakovlev Yak-15 was a first-generation Soviet turbojet fighter developed by the Yakovlev design bureau (OKB) immediately after World War II. It used a reverse-engineered German Junkers Jumo 004 engine.