毫米汞柱 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
毫米汞柱 (英語: Millimeter of mercury),符號為 mmHg,是一種 压强 單位,舊定義:一 毫米 高的 水銀 柱對液柱底面產生的压强,現在定義:一毫米汞柱為133.322387415 帕斯卡,約為1 托 [1] 。 虽然毫米汞柱不是 国际标准单位,但仍应用在气象、航空和诸多科学领域。 粗略来说 1mmHg ≈ 1 760 atm (101 325 760 ≈ 133.322 368 帕斯卡),尽管两个单位并不相等,但是相对差只有 0.000015%,对大多数应用场景来说可以忽略不计。 ^ Conventional millimetres of …
Gas constant - Wikipedia
The molar gas constant (also known as the gas constant, universal gas constant, or ideal gas constant) is denoted by the symbol R or R. It is the molar equivalent to the Boltzmann constant, expressed in units of energy per temperature increment per amount of substance, rather than energy per temperature increment per particle.
Why is gas pressure measured in mmHg? - Chemistry Stack …
2020年4月14日 · Pressure can be measured in $\pu{mmHg}$ which is equal to the pressure exerted by a “column of mercury” of a height expressed in $\pu{mm},$ at $\pu{0 °C}$ under Earth’s normal gravity. Does the di...
What Is mmHg? | Understanding Pressure Measurement
mmHg, or millimeters of mercury, is a unit of pressure measurement widely used in various fields. It quantifies pressure based on the height of a mercury column. This unit is essential for measuring blood pressure, atmospheric pressure, and even in laboratory settings for gas measurements. Why is mmHg significant in medical contexts?
Blood Gas Po2: Know Your Normal Oxygen Levels - ASM App Hub
2024年9月26日 · The measurement of Po2 is typically expressed in millimeters of mercury (mmHg) and is an essential component of arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis. Normal Ranges for Blood Gas Po2. The normal range for blood gas Po2 varies slightly depending on the age, sex, and physical condition of the individual, as well as the altitude at which they reside.
Individual & Universal Gas Constants: Definitions, Values, and …
The Individual Gas Constant depends on the particular gas and is related to the molecular weight of the gas. The value is independent of temperature. The induvidual gas constant, R, for a gas can be calculated from the universal gas constant, R u ( given in several units below ), and the gas molecular weight, M gas :
毫米汞柱 (mmHg)换算成毫米水柱 (mmH2O)_压力单位换算-在线 …
毫米汞柱(mmHg)是一个用于测量压力的非国际单位制单位。 1 mmHg 的定义是:在标准大气压下,银汞液柱1毫米所产生的压力。 这个单位常用于表示血压、气压等。
MmHg - (Intro to Chemistry) - Vocab, Definition ... - Fiveable
mmHg, or millimeters of mercury, is a unit of pressure commonly used in various scientific contexts, especially in relation to gases. It is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of mercury 1 millimeter high at the standard acceleration due to gravity.
2024年12月5日 · 毫米水柱(mmH2O)是表示压力的一种单位,其定义为水在标准重力加速度下(通常取9.80665m/s²),每毫米高度所产生的静压力。 水柱作为压力单位的起源可以追溯到古代,当时人们通过观察水位变化来间接测量压力。 在现代,毫米水柱广泛应用于医学、 气象 学、土木工程等领域,尤其是在流体力学中,它是评估管道内液体压力的重要参数。 在医学领域,毫米水柱常用于测量呼吸机的气道压力、血压计的校准等。 由于水的密度和重力加速度相对稳定, …
MmHg - (College Physics I – Introduction) - Fiveable
mmHg, or millimeters of mercury, is a unit of pressure that measures the height of a column of mercury in millimeters under the influence of gravity. This measurement is commonly used in various fields, including meteorology and medicine, to express pressure values.