Style 009V FireLock™ Installation-Ready™ Rigid Coupling
Style 009V FireLock™ Installation-Ready™ Rigid Coupling. US ONLY – Contact your local sales representative for availability. Designed to provide a rigid pipe joint in sprinkler piping systems; Sizes from 1¼ – 12″ | DN32 – DN300; Pressures up to 365 psi | 2517 kPa | 25 bar
009 型Victaulic®(唯特利®) FirelockTM Installation-ReadyTM 剛性卡箍僅適用於消防系統,系統設計和安裝必須遵照美國國家消防協會的 現行適用標準(NFPA 13、13D、13R 等)或同等標準並符合相應的建築和消防規範。 這些標準和規範包含保護系統遠離結冰溫度、腐蝕、機械損壞等方面的重要相關資訊。 這些安裝說明適用於經過培訓且具有經驗的安裝人員。 安裝人員應瞭解本產品的用途,以及其適用於特定功能的原因。 安裝人員應瞭解通用行業安全標準以及產品安裝和拆卸不當 …
FireLock™ Grooved Fittings - Victaulic
FireLock full-flow elbows and tees feature CAD-developed, hydrodynamic design, affording a shorter center-to-end dimension than standard fittings. Noticeable bulge allows the water to make a smoother turn to maintain similar flow characteristics as …
Style 009V Campaign Landing Page - Victaulic
Complete offering from 1 ¼ - 12" Install with ease, accuracy and speed using one-touch tightening. Eliminate guesswork and mitigate risk with fully defined metal-to-metal contact at the install indicator. Increase confidence and decrease the installation learning curve with enhanced design features.
oF style 009h/009/009V couplINGs 1. Do Not DIsAsseMBle the couplING: Style 009H/009/009V Couplings are installation ready. These couplings are designed so that the installer does not need to remove the bolts and nuts for installation. This design facilitates installation by allowing the installer to directly install the grooved end of pipe ...
Les colliers Style 009V sont considérés comme des raccords rigides et ne s’adapteront pas à la dilatation ou la contraction du système de tuyauterie. Lors du montage des colliers Style 009V, Style 009N ou Style 109 sur les fonds, veillez tout particulièrement à ce que le fond repose entièrement contre la butée du joint d'étanchéité.
Victaulic fire sprinkler coupling | Plumbing & Mechanical
2024年10月18日 · Victaulic's new Style 009V Coupling is a rigid coupling for fire sprinkler systems in a complete offering from 1 ¼ - 12”. New one-touch technology allows for installation ease, accuracy and speed with one touch per bolt.
Important Information for Use of Style 009V Couplings with End Caps and Fittings WARNING • Always read and follow the I-ENDCAP instructions, which can be downloaded at victaulic.com.
框架式空气断路器(ACB)基本功能 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年6月11日 · 框架式空气断路器 (ACB)通常应用于低压配电系统,具有承载额定电流,隔离,线路或设备保护功能。 常见的主要特性保护分四段,简称LSIG,分别为过载脱扣保护,短路延时脱扣保护,瞬时脱扣保护和接地故障脱扣保护等。 因ACB比塑壳断路器(MCCB)的产品尺寸大,可以加装很多用于监控配件,实现各种功能. 框架式空气断路器(ACB)通常应用于低压配电系统,具有承载额定电流,隔离,线路或设备保护功能。 常见的主要特性保护分四段,简 …
LS ACB production specification 1. Major specification table . LS ACB production specification 1. Major specification table 40 F 3 40 J M2 D2 Hyx CND2 BX SC1 U0 AH T . 2. Outline drawing 1) Fixed type (ACB, AH-50F3-50A M2D2D2BX SC1U0T Hyx CN ) LS ACB production specification . 2. Outline drawing
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