Symmetra PX 100kW Scalable to 100kW, 208V with Startup
A modular, high-efficiency 3-phase UPS that is scalable up to 100kW. Suitable for use in small to medium data centers and high density zones. Enter the total load (power draw) of all devices that will be protected by the UPS. This will be used to estimate the run time of your devices during a total power outage.
Conserve valuable data center floor space with the compact footprint, internal battery back-up and optional internal maintenance bypass. Grow effortlessly with the vertical scalability, reducing cost and unexpected future growth risks. Reduce power and cooling OPEX through industry-leading energy efficiency.
Galaxy VS UPS 100kW 480V for External Batteries, Start-up 5x8 - APC
Highly efficient, easy-to-deploy 100kW, 480V 3-phase uninterruptible power supply (UPS) that brings best-in-class power protection to edge, small and medium data centers, as well as to critical infrastructure in commercial and industrial applications.
大功率UPS(100kw-500kw)-ups电源_不间断电源_机房建设解决 …
NX系列UPS (250~800kVA)为三进三出型(三相输入、三相输出)在线式绿色智能交流不间断电源系统,目前有8种规格,单机额定功率分别为:250KVA、30... 产品介绍: 科士达EPOWER系... 93PR UPS电源采用伊顿专利的先进电力电子技术,由伊顿团队倾心打造,是符合军用级要求的UPS不间断电源系列。 该UPS可全面满足配线间的网络设备、中小数据中心、大... 产品介绍: 广 …
华为发布全新100kW UPS功率模块,更高功率密度助力数据中心“开源节流”-UPS …
本次华为发布的100kW UPS功率模块,将有效帮助数据中心行业客户“开源节流”:通过高密化的设计,FusionPower 2.0数据中心供配电解决方案1200kVA的系统只需12个功率模块,实现“一柜一兆瓦”,考虑UPS输入输出配电,端到端系统方案从8柜降低为4柜,节省占地超过50%。
APC Symmetra PX 100 kW UPS - Altruent Systems
A modular, high-efficiency 3-phase UPS that is scalable up to 100kW. Suitable for use in small to medium data centers and high density zones. Swappable batteries: Allows quick addition of runtime capacity or replacement of existing battery modules.
Liebert® EXM2 100-250kW 中功率多面手 UPS解决方案 - Vertiv
Liebert EXM2 系列UPS是维谛技术根据现有中功率段UPS的市场应用特点,最新推出的基于新一代IGBT整流技术的高频塔式UPS。 容量段覆盖100~250kVA。 具有极致可靠,智简运维,卓越能效,极低CAPEX,全场景适用的五大优势。
Galaxy PX UPS 100kW Scalable to 250kW 400V Black, 1 Switch, for ...
Galaxy PX is a robust, modular, high-density 100 kW, 400V 3-phase UPS that is scalable up to 250 kW N+1. It delivers high availability, scalability, and redundancy in a compact footprint in a cost-optimized, EcoStruxure connected package ideal for edge, small, and medium data centers and other business-critical applications.
厚积薄发·百变求新 | 科士达100kW/125kW超大功率模块UPS发布
会上,科士达正式推出100kW/125kW超大功率模块UPS,该产品功率密度较主流的50kW功率模块UPS提升了一倍,跨越了高密新高度。 本次发布会,科士达除了发布新品,还举行了极具看点的座谈环节。
APC SY100K100F APC Symmetra PX 100kW Scalable to 100kW …
Output Voltage; 40 to 70 Hz Frequency Rating; UL 1778, CSA C22.2, CE, FCC Approval; Data Center Application; 100000 Power Rating in W.