Low Heart Rate: What It Is and When to Worry - Cleveland Clinic …
2023年3月17日 · Doctors consider a low heart rate to be 60 beats per minute (bpm) and below. In fact, if you have bradycardia, you’ll have a low resting heart rate below 60 even when you’re awake and active. In contrast, a normal range is 60 to 100 bpm while awake. It’s very possible to have a slow heart rate and experience no symptoms.
Low Heart Rate – Bradycardia Explained by a Heart Doctor
2017年1月7日 · Sometimes a low heart rate is defined as below 60 beats per minute, but it would probably make more sense to have low heart rate defined as below 50 beats per minute. Patients often ask if they have a low heart rate and whether there are a certain number of beats per minute below which they should be concerned.
What Is a Dangerous Heart Rate? When to Seek Medical Help
2022年9月29日 · The normal resting heart rate for adults is 60–100 bpm. Some factors, such as sleep, exercise, and anxiety can cause expected and temporary variations. Low and high heart rates occur outside of these ranges. Some cases of high and low heart rates can be benign. Some conditions such as heart attacks are serious and require emergency medical care.
Heart rate 38 on an adult - what does it mean? - PulseVital.com
You have taken the heart rate (pulse rate) of an adult and got a value of 38 bpm (beats per minute). For an adult with (in this case everyone older than 10 years) the heart rate may vary between 60-100bpm to be considered normal. Well-trained people and athletes may even have a heart rate as low as 40-60bpm within normal range. = Your value (38bpm)
Understanding 38 Bpm While Sleeping - Statcare
A heart rate of 38 beats per minute (bpm) while sleeping is considered to be lower than the average resting heart rate. While it is not uncommon for heart rates to decrease during sleep, a heart rate of 38 bpm may indicate an underlying health condition that requires attention.
Bradycardia (Low Heart Rate): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment - WebMD
2024年4月30日 · Bradycardia (pronounced bray-duh- kaar -dee-uh) is a slow heart rate. Adults usually have a heart rate between 60 and 100 beats per minute, but if you have bradycardia, your heart beats fewer than...
Low heart rate warnings via smart watch - Harvard Health
2022年2月1日 · When a smart watch alert suggests that person's heart rate is below 40 beats per minute, it could be an error, especially if no symptoms are present. But it could signal a heart problem called bradycardia that has many possible causes.
2024年8月17日 · 心率,即每分钟心脏跳动的次数,是我们健康的一个关键指标。 心率不仅反映了心脏的工作状态,还能揭示身体的整体健康状况。 通过了解和监测心率,我们可以更好地掌握身体的反应和健康变化。 每个人的心率在不同的生活阶段和生理状态下都会有所不同。 正常情况下,心率在一定范围内波动,但一旦超出正常范围,可能预示着健康问题。 例如,运动时心率上升,休息时心率下降,这些都是正常的生理反应。 然而,如果心率持续不正常,就需要引起重 …
教你读懂你的“心率”! - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
心率(Heart rate)是指心脏收缩(contractions)跳动的频率(beats)和每分钟跳动的次数(bpm), 正常人平静时(安静心率)每分钟60到100次(60~100bpm(次/分钟)), 运动时心跳会加速, 心肺功能 较好的运动员会比正常人的心跳要慢。 2. 心率一般影响因素
心率 - 百度百科
心率是指正常人安静状态下每分钟心跳的次数,也叫安静心率,一般为60~100次/分,可因年龄、性别或其他生理因素产生个体差异。 一般来说,年龄越小,心率越快,老年人心跳比年轻人慢,女性的心率比同龄男性快,这些都是正常的生理现象。 安静状态下,成人正常心率为60~100次/分钟,理想心率应为55~70次/分钟(运动员的心率较普通成人偏慢,一般为50次/分钟左右)。 心率变化与心脏疾病密切相关。 如果心率超过160次/分钟,或低于40次/分钟,大多见于心脏病患 …