45R GLOBAL | Artisanal Japanese Clothing Since 1977
Located approximately a 12- to 13-minute walk from Omotesando Station, Badou-R, the flagship store of 45R, sits at the quieter end of Kotto-dori Street, away from the bustling boutiques near the station.
45R(フォーティファイブ・アール)公式サイト・オンラインス …
地下鉄烏丸御池駅から徒歩5分ほどの場所にあり、国内の路面店の中で最も歴史があるお店。 45Rのお花屋さん、その名も花処江戸桜(はなどころえどざくら)です。 お一人お一人の 特別なひととき、何気ない日常に、季節の潤いと彩りをお届けします。 1977年創業、日本の服。 わたしたちのものづくりは、藍・インディゴの可能性を探す旅であり、原料や素材の追求からはじまります。 気持ちのいい服をお客様に喜んで着ていただきたいという理念のもと取り組んで …
Shopping Guide | 45R Official Global Website
Welcome to 45Rglobal.com, the official global website and online store of 45R, a Japanese clothing brand founded 1977, known for its commitment to quality, craftsmanship and timeless design. At 45R, we are passionate about sharing the beauty and culture of Japan with the world.
Jeans – 45R GLOBAL
Discover authentic Japanese craftsmanship in our premium denim collection. Handcrafted in Japan, our jeans blend traditional techniques with modern style for unparalleled quality and comfort. Explore our range of meticulously designed denim pieces, crafted to perfection for the discerning denim enthusiast.
Homepage - 45r
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45R - Japan House London
Established in Tokyo in 1977, 45R is a Japanese brand offering a wide range of indigo and ai-dyed products, alongside a selection of beautifully crafted seasonal items for men and women.
45R春をアクティブに過ごすための桃比女: |45R
45rのブランドサイトへようこそ。 日本国外への配送をご希望の方は、下記オフィシャルグローバルサイトをご覧ください。
「海&都市&山:45年的旅程」庆祝品牌诞生45週年,以简约哲学 …
45R坚持了45年的Monozukuri (造物)哲学,奠定品牌设计的经典态度。从过往的T恤获取灵感并加以改善提升质素,成为今天经典的皇牌(Cherished item)之一。 45R著重舒适度,先从物料选材开始。生长在非洲耀眼的阳光下,有著充沛光泽的津巴布韦棉是45R的皇牌棉。
New Arrivals - 45R GLOBAL
Discover New Arrivals that epitomize handcrafted excellence and high-quality indigo clothing inspired by Japanese craftsmanship. Our commitment to innovation and tradition shines through in every piece. Elevate your style with our freshest arrivals, and stay ahead of the fashion curve with Japan's finest jeans brand.
Ai Indigo 藍染 - 45r
At 45R, we are known for the variety of garments we offer in indigo or Ai-dye. All of our indigo-dyed garments are yarn dyed, not garment dyed, in order to achieve a rich dark blue color. Indigo-dyed items fade beautifully over time, and our denim products dyed with indigo age especially well with a high contrast between the blue dye and the ...