CH-53K Helicopter - Lockheed Martin
The CH-53K helicopter has been designed and built to the exacting standards of the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) and will serve as its critical land and sea based logistics connector. The new heavy lifter will allow the U.S. Marine Corps and international militaries to move troops and equipment from ship to shore, and to higher altitude terrain ...
Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion - Wikipedia
The CH-53K King Stallion is a heavy lift helicopter, being a general redesign of the preceding CH-53E, the main improvements being the new engines and cockpit layout. It has over twice the lift capacity and radius of action of the CH-53E, and a wider cargo hold to …
CH-53K直升機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
CH-53K会大幅超过 CH-53E「超级种马」直升机 的載重能力,在同飞行 半径 110 海里 (204公里)的基础上可几乎两倍运载27,000磅(12,200公斤)外部载荷,其最重载荷度会达到35,000磅(15,900公斤),最大毛重量将有84,700磅(38,400公斤),超过CH-53E的73,500磅(33,300公斤),CH-53K同时也会有大致一样于CH-53E的航程覆盖区。 参考资料:U.S Navy [6] 、Global Security [7] 基本信息. 分別為:2驾驶员、1队长/右机枪手、1左机枪手、1尾机枪手(战斗组 …
Aurora Reaches Major CH-53K Main Rotor Pylon Milestones
2010年1月5日 · Aurora Flight Sciences announced that it reached and successfully completed its Critical Design Review (CDR) and 100% model release milestones for the CH-53K main rotor pylon (MRP) program. These two events define the transition from engineering design to manufacturing of the MRP structure for the System Development and Demonstration SDD aircraft.
美国CH-53K重型直升机及T408涡轴发动机发展分析 - (国内统一连 …
Why the CH-53K King Stallion is My Favorite to Fly
The CH-53K King Stallion was conceived to perform all the legacy assault support missions but over longer distances with much more payload. Whether carrying dozens of combat hardened Marines, fully armored JLTV vehicles, artillery, and ammunition or providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, The CH-53K will provide a critical ...
CH-53K KEY ADVANTAGES 2X HEAVY LIFT CAPACITY 2X the lift capacity over aircraft life-time at a comparable life-cycle cost to the competition. ALL-NEW MODERN DESIGN Glass Cockpit • Auto Blade Fold • Composite Airframe Elastomeric Rotorhead • Fly-by-Wire Flight Controls REDUCED COSTS & TIME Reduction in operation & support costs and mean ...
2020年12月21日 · CH-53K,绰号“种马王”,由西科斯基飞行器公司研发制造,是CH-53系列重型运输直升机中最新改进型号,美国海军陆战队有200架订单,目前,是全球技术最先进的重型直升机。 具备罕见的12度斜坡着陆,以及起飞能力的CH-53K,其最大极速飞行速度370.4公里/小时,最大外挂重量高达16.32吨;不仅飞行速度快,载重量都位居全球直升机前茅。 CH-53K,采用现代的智能设计,机体较为坚固且耐用,可确保可靠性;此外,具备低维护性和高可用性特征, …
Program Subcontract Sr Mgr. MCS CH-53K(FULL TIME TELEWORK)
2025年2月26日 · As a Program Management – Sr Subcontract Manager, you'll play a pivotal role in managing a dedicated team within the CH-53K Major Structures Supply Chain team. Your responsibilities will include: • Leading and managing a team of procurement professionals to ensure supplier cost, schedule, and technical performance align with project ...
美海军陆战队直升机之王——CH-53K 种马之王 ... - 百家号
2018年12月30日 · ch-53k的典型特征是加装了三台5590千瓦的发动机,全新的复合材料桨叶,以及比现有任何一种ch-53系列直升机更宽的机舱内空间。 它将是美军有史以来最大也是最重的直升机。