6SN7 Fleawatt headphone amp PP or PSE? - diyAudio
2019年3月4日 · I solved the hum issue when using the flea power amp with my headphones. Increased the filter choke from 1H to 8H (same 300 ohm DCR) and both preamp filter …
KT88 amp with 6SN7 driver? - Audiokarma Home Audio Stereo …
2021年1月22日 · 6SN7 has lower gain, than is normally used in a single-gain-stage SE amp. If you're willing to cascade both sections of a 6SN7 (two gain stages), then it can make a …
Help Needed for Single Ended 6SN7+KT88 chinese schematic
Check 220u/16v e-cap across 510 ohms resistor in cathode of 6sn7. If it's shorted or polarity reversed, the bias for both sections will be reduced. The cathode voltage should be about …
HIFIDIY论坛-6SN7热门管的发烧谈;比较。 - Powered by Discuz!
2024年12月8日 · 6SN7是个在胆机发烧娱乐中使用几率较高,较受欢迎的管子。 参数相近的管子有;5692、ECC32、33、34、带帽的有6F8G、BL63、参数一致的还有B65、CV1988。 12V …
Configuring 2A3 Driver for 2A3 PSE - diyAudio
I have tried both driving a 2A3 PSE with individual half 6SN7-5687-6350 triodes + individual bias networks and then just like the Neiro. In most case there was no difference in terms of THD, …
收集几款6SN7,试听了一下,写点个人看法 - 〓发烧音响专区〓
2007年5月24日 · 6SN7是目前音响用中μ值大8脚电压放大胆管中最常用的一种,是旁热式双三极,是目前常用的中μ值胆 (如12AU7,12BH7,5687等)中最流行的一种,内阻较低 (约7kΩ), …
Schematics with a 6SN7 in them...where to find? - The Amp Garage
2006年3月23日 · I tend to think of the 12SN7 as an octal form of the 12AU7 - a high power low mu dual triode. I sometimes gig with an amp that uses a 6SN7 in Push-Pull as the output tube. …
Phase Inverter Choices - The Amp Garage
2021年12月23日 · There are plenty of examples of paraphase using 6sn7 and 12au7, to accomplish phase inversion with low distortion. One caution with many old paraphase designs, …
Practical Phase Inverters. - The Trek BBS
2019年7月9日 · The Williamson Circuit. The Williamson amplifier circuit was very popular through the 50s and 60s. It was developed in England and quickly adopted and adapted to American …
6SN7+6V6牛出 耳机放大电路图 - 电子发烧友网
2007年9月29日 · 为了领略 6N7 P的魅力,笔者用 6N7 P组成双声道前级.采用1.5 V 电池作栅偏压.灯丝用直流供电。 6N7 P工作点电流在23mA,放音胆味浓郁.非常耐听。 本文为大家带 …
Phase Inverter Choice - diyAudio
2019年12月19日 · After the 3 6SL7s I'm thinking about a 6SN7 for the phase inverter with a master volume following. I intend on using 4 KT88 power tubes for almost 200 watts of output …
TK One 6550-PSE - Tektron Audio
Signal input: 400 mV for max power. Outputs impedance: 4 – 8 ohm (other impedance available upon request). Frequency range: 15 – 35.000 Hz. Finish: Solid wood, several types of wood …
Opinions on 6SL7, 6SN7? - The Amp Garage
2011年1月17日 · The 6SN7 has specs that are almost identical to 12AU7. Aside from one being octal and the other noval, they will interchange very well. The big differences are 1) 6SN7 has …
重要的事说三遍: 美星真的好! 美星MC300-PSE前级+ MC211-AS单 …
2018年8月2日 · 搭配的MC300-PSE前级同样创意突出,使用特制的圆球状凸顶型6SN7做二级共阴极放大,贵族之声的300B做跟随阴极放大,具有输出阻抗小、输出电流大的优点。
Audio Mirror 6AS7 PSE 20 wpc mono-blocks - Troels Gravesen
These mono-blocks run by Transcendent GG line stage at 500 mV input sensitivity made an excellent match, significantly better compared to my previous Audio Research SP16L line …
7193/6SN7 + 6V6 preamp - diyAudio
2022年6月21日 · Are you saying you want to build a 2 stage amplifier, 6SN7 into 6V6 outputs? That's perfectly feasible. I just posted my circuit for 6SN7 into 2a3 in another thread and I've …
New (Tube) Kids On The Block! PSVANE 6SN7-BE/SE
2021年5月8日 · While looking to replace a pair of ShuGuang CV-181Z Treasures which have already gone microphonic after less than one year in the driver seat of my SP-14 preamp, I …
6SN7 SRPP Preamplifier Schematic
1. The document describes a 6SN7 SRPP pre-amplifier circuit with 6 tubes and various capacitors and resistors. 2. It includes a schematic diagram labeling the components and their …
Driving 6B4G with half a 6SN7 - SET amp - diyAudio
2024年12月18日 · With a maximum voltage gain of about 10 times with a single 6SN7 you will need a hefty input voltage to drive the 6B4G to full power at 45 Vrms at the control grid. This …
6SN7 vs 12AU7 - audiocircle.com
2024年12月27日 · Gain, internal resistance and slope are not that different, but perhaps the most important thing is that 6SN7 tubes give far lower distortion than 12AU7. Morgan Jones has a …