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2018年12月9日 · 毋容置疑,AA是翻前最大的牌,而 72o 确实很小,没有包含这两张牌的顺子,但它不是最小的牌。 比如, 72o vs 随机牌 单挑,总计有 25,170,868,800 种情况(注3:这是一个简单的排列组合问题 25,170,868,800= 4*3*50!/48!/2!*48!/43!/5!),其中「胜」7,981,752,972 种,「和」 1,446,503,040 种,「负」15,742,612,788 种,如果「和」算 1/2 个「胜」,那么 72o 的胜率是 34.584%, 这是所有起手牌中第 2 小的牌型。 最小的牌型其实是 32o。 虽然成为顺子的可 …
The Worst Poker Hand: 72o – Poker Times – Online Poker News
2017年12月29日 · The fact of the matter is that 72o is the lowest valued hand that is separated by at least four other card ranks. That means it has almost no chance of making a straight (none if using both hole cards), and its high card value is remarkably low.
Worst Hands In Poker – 72, 82, 83, 63, Stats & More - BETANDBEAT
2021年3月5日 · Against 72o (the so-called worst hand in poker), 32o loses 65% of the time! Making this one of the pre-flop poker hands to fold most of the time. 32o fares better all-in against 8 other players holding random cards than the other cards on …
A plataforma 72o.com oferece uma experiência única de apostas esportivas e jogos online.
德州扑克规则:从技术到玄学 - 百家号
2025年2月27日 · 起手牌严选 :aa、kk、aq等高价值牌可激进,72o等弱牌果断弃。 位置决定优势 :越晚行动(如庄位),越能观察对手决策。 读牌与读人 :结合公共牌计算对手可能牌型,观察表情、下注模式找破绽。
The worst hand in poker - 72o - I was supposed to kick this habit ...
The worst starting hand in Texas hold 'em is "The Beer Hand", or "72 offsuit" or plain and simple "72o."... Which is exactly why I like to play it! You can s...
Under The Gun (UTG) player, then moves to UTG+1, UTG+2 , LoJack (LJ), HiJack (HJ), Cutoff (CO), Button (BTN), Small Blind (SB), and finally the Big Blind (BB). Refer to the following charts to become familiar with the different positions preflop. It is important to play different ranges in each position because
ポーカー用語(あ行) │ ポカウマ ~テキサスホールデムポー …
例えば「72o」対「AA」でも72には16.5%のエクイティがあります。 しかし、オールインを除いて、ポストフロップではフロップで72oによっぽどフィットしたボードでない限り、72oがAAに対して16.5%のエクイティ分のポットを取ることは厳しいです。
What To Do When You Are Absolutely Card Dead - PokerCoaching …
2025年3月6日 · Your goal when you sit down at the table is to treat each hand like a puzzle and solve it to the best of your abilities. That is all that you can control. Sometimes it is a very simple puzzle, such as you are dealt 72o under the gun and you fold.
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