The 767-300 Boeing Converted Freighter (BCF) is a particularly versatile airplane. Not only does the 767-300BCF carry up to 52 tonnes of revenue payload, but it does so with lower costs than the competition. The 767-300BCF is 18 percent more efficient per tonne than the A300F, has higher dispatch reliability
Boeing 767 - Wikipedia
The Boeing 767 is an American wide-body airliner developed and manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes. The aircraft was launched as the 7X7 program on July 14, 1978, the prototype first flew on September 26, 1981, and it was certified on July 30, 1982.
波音767 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
為了協助767的客戶處理手上的767客機,波音於2005年宣佈啟動「767-300改裝貨機」計劃,即767-300 bcf。 由客機改裝為貨機,機身左側前方將加開一道貨艙門,地板及機身結構被加強,加設貨物搬運系統、地面嵌板、貨艙軌道、牆壁及天花板佈置等。
Boeing delivers 100th 767-300BCF to SF Airlines
2025年2月20日 · Boeing delivered its 100th completed 767-300 Boeing Converted Freighter (BCF) to SF Airlines, the operator of the world’s largest 767-300BCF fleet. The 767-300BCF, featuring a special emblem on its nose to commemorate the milestone, was unveiled during a ceremony on Feb. 14 at GAMECO (Guangzhou Aircraft …
767-300BCF Specifications 767-300BCF Specifications. Title: 767-300 BCF One Sheet_012418 Created Date: 1/24/2018 2:04:50 PM ...
波音第100架767-300BCF交付顺丰航空 - 民用航空网
2025年2月20日 · 767-300bcf是世界上最高效的中型宽体双发改装货机,最大载重可达56.5吨,航程可达3345海里(6190千米)。 它是767货机家族成员之一,可以提供最低的航段运营成本、出色的业载和航程,灵活的能力使其成为通用货物和快递货物市场的首选改装货机。
Boeing delivers 100th 767-300BCF to SF Airlines - News
2025年2月21日 · Boeing has delivered its 100th completed 767-300 Boeing Converted Freighter (BCF) to Shenzhen, China-based cargo carrier SF Airlines, operator of the world’s largest 767-300BCF fleet. The 767-300BCF was unveiled during a ceremony on February 14 at GAMECO (Guangzhou Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Company Limited), where the aircraft was ...
顺丰航空接收全球第 100 架波音 767-300BCF 飞机,最远航程可达 …
2025年2月16日 · IT之家从官方介绍获悉,767-300BCF 是一款高效的中型宽体双发改装货机,最大载重可达 56.5 吨, 最远航程可达 6190 公里,是 767 货机家族成员之一。 该机型在航段运营成本、业载空间、航程能力、燃油效能等方面优势显著,是航空货运市场首选的改装货机之一。 完成交付后,此架 767-300BCF 预计将于 3 月正式投入航线运行。 随着机队规模的增长、机队结构的调优、宽体机比例的扩大,顺丰航空将继续与波音、GAMECO 等合作伙伴携手共进,深耕国 …
波音767-300BCF - 百度百科
改装后的767-300BCF拥有54公吨的载重量及5390公里的最大航程。 [1] 2022年10月28日,中国首架在GAMECO位于广州的改装线进行改装的767-300波音改装货机(BCF)完工。 [1] 波音于2005年宣布启动767-300改装货机计划,也就是767-300BCF。 改装后的767-300BCF拥有54公吨的载重量及5390公里的最大航程。
Boeing completes 100th 767-300BCF - Cargo Facts
2025年2月20日 · Boeing has completed the 100th 767-300BCF conversion and redelivered the freighter to SF Airlines, the largest operator of the type. The 2001-vintage, CF6-powered unit 30048 (ex-Condor) is also SF Airlines’ twenty-fifth 767-300BCF and ninetieth freighter. It will enter service in March, SF said in a release [FAT 10331]. SF bought unit 30048 along with another […]