Night Ride - 8kB demo by Ctrl-Alt-Test and Alcatraz - YouTube
Download link: https://ctrl-alt-test.fr/dl/ cat&atz-night_ride.zip GitHub: https://github.com/ctrl-alt-test/moto Discuss on pouet.net: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=98212 Made by: This …
8kb Demo by Pooh - Demozoo
8K Intro by Pooh, released 1997
in4k - a website to archive knowledge, tools and resources on how to create demoscene productions such as 1kb, 4kb and 8kb intros.
Teach Yourself Demoscene in 14 Days - GitHub
A demo is usually a group effort. Sceners are typically divided into 3 roles: Graphician - responsible for the artwork, 3d modeling and animations; Musician - composer and producer …
in4k.github.io | Sample Intros - GitHub Pages
in4k - a website to archive knowledge, tools and resources on how to create demoscene productions such as 1kb, 4kb and 8kb intros.
"metro", an 8KB executable demo (Black Valley 2022) - YouTube
2022年7月20日 · This is a capture of my intro "metro", a ~6.500 bytes Windows executable, released at Black Valley 2022 (ended up 5th place out of 6 entries).This capture is...
How we made an animated movie in 8kB - Ctrl-Alt-Test
2024年1月23日 · The demo consists of around 25 manually crafted camera shots. When creating a shot, we describe how each of 18 parameters varies over time, such as the position of each …
C#语言编写的仅有8KB大小的简易贪吃蛇开源游戏 - 追逐时光者
2024年6月29日 · 今天大姚给大家分享一款由C#语言编写的仅有8KB大小的简易贪吃蛇开源游戏:SeeSharpSnake。 该仓库中的项目文件和脚本可以用多种不同的配置构建相同的游戏,每 …
8K Demo Archives - 8K Stock Footage
8K Demo Videos. Click an image to view that video. Each video contains a number of individual clips. You can scroll the video once it has loaded, which can take up to a few minutes. View …
移植LVGL到单片机的一个demo简单介绍 - CSDN博客
2023年11月11日 · 官方虽然说LVGL移植平台只需 64kB 闪存和 8kB RAM 就足以满足简单的用户界面。但我移植到stm32f103c8t6,不管怎么修改配置,一直显示内存不够。 LVGL 可以驱动 …
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