Type 99 tank - Wikipedia
Three main versions of the Type 99 have been deployed: the Type 98 prototype, Type 99 and the Type 99A. The Type 99 forms the core of China’s modern maneuver combat capabilities, with over 1,300 tanks built for the past two decades.
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ZTZ99A | War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update "Danger Zone", it is the most advanced MBT and the second newest tank (after the ZTQ15) in service with the PLAGF. The ZTZ99A deviates from the Warsaw Pact-style low-profile design, featuring a larger turret and a new powerpack while maintaining similar protection levels to its predecessor, the ZTZ99-III.
ZTZ99A - 战争雷霆中文Wiki
ZTZ99A是一个全新的设计,与以前的坦克相比具有更高的整体轮廓,与北约坦克相当。 它的特点是一个箭头形状的复合装甲块和新的FY-5,高达250毫米KE保护覆盖炮塔。 在自上而下导弹的情况下,新的FY-1D1覆盖炮塔顶部可以减轻一些损害。 至于车体,由于设计要求是要和以前的ztz99一样的防护,除了上装甲,只有FY-4覆盖上装甲和炮塔的侧面。 另一个主要的区别是驾驶员被移到了车体的右侧 (从敌人的角度来看),如果对手无法区分99A和其他99,那么击中UFP的射击很可 …
ZTZ-99A Chinese MBT - Buy Royalty Free 3D model by Pr0st0Danya
2024年4月30日 · Render 3D model in Blender: The ZTZ-99A is a type of main battle tank developed by China. It’s an upgraded version of the original ZTZ 99 tank. ATTENTION! DOWNLOAD THE ADDITIONAL FILE!
Type 99 MBT (2001) - tank-afv.com
The Type 99A has the driver's hatch repositioned in the center left of the hull and with two main periscopes, with the forward one capable of infrared vision. The hull glacis still features the same right main regulation roadlight and a right side military grade blackout/light visibility light.
我军99式坦克最标准侧视图 - 环球网
2013年4月1日 · 99的火控系统由激光测距仪、弹道计算机、炮手稳定式瞄准镜、火炮双向稳定以及控制仪表和各种传感器组成。 装备了二代热像仪。 与西方的M1A2,豹2A6属于同一水平。
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99a娘化-千图网 - ecywang.com
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