AKM Media - We scale 7 & 8-figure eCom brands
Paid advertising is our favourite. From Meta to Google and all the way to TikTok, Snapchat and others. If your business needs customers, you can be sure we will find them. We create winning performance creatives that drive conversions & profitable revenue for your brand. From $110,000 per month to $1.7M in just 14 months. Learn more about Conzuri.
AKM - Careers
Join the AKM Team today. Have experience in E-commerce, paid social ads, retention and a great understanding on what it takes to grow brands profitably? Then we are looking for you! We take over all of your Ecommerce business levers and help to actualise your goals with data. We’re not just an Agency.
Audio A/D Converters | Audio Components | Products | Asahi Kasei ... - AKM
AKM’s audio A/D converters (ADCs) realizes high quality sound audio systems with original analog-digital mixed technology that delivers high integration and designing flexibility. They are suitable for wide range of audio products such as portable devices, high-end equipments and car entertainment systems.
Advertising/Marketing/Media/Native ADS (@akm.originals)
86K Followers, 145 Following, 15 Posts - Advertising/Marketing/Media/Native ADS (@akm.originals) on Instagram: "GOOD BUSINESS IS THE BEST ART"
AKM公司发布优质高端多通道ADC系列AK557X-AKM|AKM代理商|AKM半导体-AKM芯片公司授权AKM …
凭借 AKM 专有 VELVET 架构的 32 位高分辨率处理能力,AK557X 能够捕捉惊人的细节和真正的声音表现,为众多成熟高端音响公司所广泛采用。 AK557X 的这种高分辨率处理能力和噪声容差设计实现了低失真录制能力。 数字输出支持卓越的高分辨率声音;高至 768 kHz PCM 和 11.2 MHz DSD 的输出第一次出自于一个 ADC 器件。 这种二、四、六或八通道系列通过采用灵活的 TDM 接口为任何多通道系统提供了一种简而优的解决方案。 适合用于高分辨率声源录制,而这正随 …
旭化成微电子株式会社 旭化成电子科技 (上海) 有限公司 (AKM) | AKM
2024年12月6日 · 旭化成微电子 (AKM) 提供基于复合半导体技术的各种先进传感器件和采用模拟/数字混合信号技术的精密集成电路产品。 我们提出的“智能纸尿裤”解决方案,无需使用电池,利用尿液中的水分发电,进而对尿湿情况进行提示。 用前所未有的灵感进行技术融合和创新,拓展人们体验现实世界的边界。 产品名称后缀“-L”“-E1”“-P” 是什么意思? 旭化成微电子 (AKM) 以化合物半导体技术为基础,提供各种先进的传感设备,以及采用模拟/数字混合信号技术的精密IC产品。
Resources - AKM Media
Simply click below to book in a FREE demo call with our team and discover what AKM can do for your brand. Growing, Investing & Scaling DTC brands. Performance marketing agency - AKM Media thrives in eCommerce and Info-product growth with data driven scaling. We help brands grow from $3M to $150M annually. Ecommerce and Info-Product Agency.
音频模数转换器 | 音频芯片 | 产品 | 旭化成微电子 (AKM)
AKM的音频模数转换器 (ADC)采用自研的模拟与数字混合技术,不仅具备高集成度和设计自由度,而且有助于实现高清音频系统。 适用于各种音频系统,包括便携设备、高端音频设备和车载娱乐设备等。
We design and implement data-driven digital marketing strategies, including social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing, to boost online presence and generate leads.
AKM Propaganda – AKM, Marketing Digital, Otimização SEO ...
AKM Propaganda – AKM, Marketing Digital, Otimização SEO. Desenvolvimento, campanhas online, Google Ads, Youtube, Instagram e Facebook. marca, tendência e resultado. Nossos pilares de atendimento: Social Media, Performance, Power Bi e SEO. resultados e cases em todos os segmentos do mercado. YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK ADS E INSTAGRAM.