2.1. This cession should be forwarded to Hollard Life for the cession to be noted. 2.2. Confirmation of the content of this cession will be sent to both the cadent and cessionary once the cession is recorded in our books. 2.3. For collateral cessions, written consent is required from the cessionary to cancel the cession from our books. 2.4.
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Cessions - Sanlam
A cession takes place when a person (cedent) transfers his rights in terms of a policy to another person or institution (cessionary). The transfer of the rights in terms of a policy from one person to another is called a cession. If a policy is ceded with reversion, both the cessionary and the cedent must consent to any dealings with the policy.
Outright cession: Certified copy of identity document for the replacing policyholder (natural persons). Kindly note, additional documentation may be requested by Hollard Life where required. Return the completed form and supporting documentation to [email protected] or fax to 011 547 7777.
CESSION FORM • This form is used to cede in security or transfer ownership of the policy to a third party. • We are required to share, collect and process your Personal Information (PI). Your PI is collected and processed by our staff, representatives or sub-contractors and we make every effort to protect and secure your PI.
2020年1月1日 · be used to provide life insurance, generally for a reduced period of time, and no additional premiums are required. Please refer to the Premium Cessation Options section of the Policy for additional information. Face Amount – is the specified value of life insurance coverage as shown in the Policy Specifications and any
The Discovery Dollar Life Plan is issued by Discovery Life International, the Guernsey branch of Discovery Life Limited (South Africa), licensed by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission under the Insurance Business (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 2002 to …
IMPORTANT: This cession of policy forms are an integral part of the title deed to the policy should always be kept safe together with the policy document, even subsequent to cancellation of the policy document.
CESSION OF LIFE INSURANCE POLICY AS COLLATERAL SECURITY TO IGF WHEREAS 1. Regulation 4 issued under Section 45 of the Short-Term Insurance Act, 1998 (“the Act”) provides for the safe-guarding of premiums received by agents, brokers and other persons on behalf of registered insurers and relating to short-term insurance
Security cession: The rights in the policy are transferred to a third party as security. Notes: Nedgroup Life does not accept responsibility for the validity of this cession. This plan allows for multiple cessions per insured party. A separate cession form per cessionary must be completed.
I am transferring ownership of this policy to the new owner (cessionary) mentioned below, for the following reason: [email protected] PO Box 4512, Cape Town, 8000 Old Mutual Life Assurance Company (South Africa) Limited.