Zaire Country Tag - HOI4 Cheats
The country tag for Zaire in Hearts of Iron IV. Also known as Republic of the Congo, Central African Empire and Democratic Republic of the Congo.
HOI4 Country Tags List | HOI4 Cheats
A searchable, updated list of all Hearts of Iron IV country tags. These country tags are most commonly used with console commands.
Belgian Congo - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki
2025年3月20日 · Belgian Congo or as known as Democratic Republic of Congo ( Zaire) is a minor nation in Africa. They start out as an colony of Belgium. It has the releasables of Burundi, Rwanda and State of Katanga. When used with the Africa Decolonized rule (which can be found in the custom game rules). It is bordered by France, Belgium, United Kingdom and ...
Country Tag Database : r/Kaiserreich - Reddit
2019年5月10日 · Kaiserreich is an Alternate History MOD for Hearts of Iron 4 and Darkest Hour. Hey, it's the leader database guy again. I've decided to organize that database by tag, so I've thrown together a quick list of country tags since I couldn't find a full list anywhere else online.
Country tags - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki
2016年12月25日 · Country tags in Hearts of Iron 4 provide unique identifiers for each nation in the game.
Countries - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki
Console commands require referring to countries by tag, and they're sometimes also used as fan jargon. Note: Any countries created after the game starts, either by civil war or collaboration goverment by a foreign power, will be given a tag D## (with the ## ascending based on the number of new nations already created).
What is the country tag for Democratic Republic of the Congo …
2023年6月4日 · What is the country tag for Democratic Republic of the Congo (Middle Congo) because i cannot find it
Country tags for Hearts of Iron IV - StrateGGames
2022年9月22日 · To make things more efficient, country tags have been created to help identify individual countries – today we’ll take a look at their lists and then some useful codes you can use in combination with them.
CONGO TAG - Ethnicity Tag + Get To Know Us - YouTube
So here's the Congolese Tag/Ethnicity Tag + Get to know us a little. I hope you enjoy.Thank...
Hey guys!! In this video I'm doing the Congo Tag while eating one of my FAVOURITE congolese meals, Ntaba Na Kwanga. Enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed the food ...more