Keith Gill - Wikipedia
[3] [4] His analyses of GameStop stock (NYSE: GME) and details of his resulting investment gains—posted on Reddit under the username DeepFuckingValue (DFV) and on YouTube and Twitter as Roaring Kitty, were cited as a driving factor in the GameStop short squeeze of January 2021, and as a spark for the subsequent trading frenzy in retail stocks.
The Legend of D.F.V. – Slope of Hope with Tim Knight
2021年1月26日 · DFV held fast (“diamond hands” in the vernacular of WSB-land) and saw his $53,000 grow into the six figures. He began to get some measure of fame as his gains on the aggressive position grew to 100%, 300%, and more.
WallStreetBets Lingo Guide: FD, DD, ATH, HODL, and DFV Defined
2021年2月22日 · This WallStreetBets lingo guide defines FD, DD, ATH, HODL, DFV, and other terms popular on the Reddit forum behind the GameStop short squeeze.
Meet Keith Gill, the GameStop Stock Investor Who Rattled Wall …
2021年2月18日 · DFV is one of several witnesses set to appear in front of the House Financial Services Committee to discuss their roles in the GameStop saga. Members of Wall Street Bets — a retail-investing...
美国散户“带头大哥”:34岁金融奶爸,收益率破4000%_牛市点线 …
2021年1月31日 · 在散户大本营Reddit分论坛华尔街赌局(WallStreetBets,WSB)上,有一位“带头大哥”,其ID为DeepFxxingValue,正是他通过不断的晒单、发表评论预测,推动了散户对游戏驿站的热捧,带领着散户形成short squeeze(逼空、轧空),迫使空头大佬节节败退举旗投降。
How u/DEEPFUCKINGVALUE crushed the markets in 2020,2021, and ... - Reddit
DFV doesn’t make decisions solely off of Discounted Cash Flow, but it’s a great way to get an idea of what a company’s intrinsic value should be. Which is why he focused on GME at <$3 when it arguably had an intrinsic value of $30+ back in early 2020.
美国散户复仇大战!“这是为了你,父亲” - 36氪
在这场与华尔街为敌的大战中,一名WSB用户“黄袍加身”,被视为幕后推手,他就是WSB大神用户“DeepF**kingValue”(下文简称DFV)。 DFV处于这场风暴绝对的中心。 尽管从周五(1月29日)开始,从国会议员到金融专家,越来越多外部人士,对事件可能给普通投资人带来的风险表示担心。 也有媒体指出,混在WSB的多头机构,才是这场大战真正的决定性角色。...
史诗级大战,美国散户vs华尔街 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
WallStreetBets简称WSB,意为"华尔街赌场",是美国虎扑Reddit的一个分区,此次大战的主角之一。 WSB中的散户大多数没有专业的投资知识,视股市为赌场,将“YOLO”(你只活一次)作为座右铭,动辄全仓杀入。
GME:WSB散户大战华尔街的起因!_驿站 - 搜狐
2021年1月29日 · 用户DFV(DeepFxxingValue)在2019年9月公布了其在华尔街赌场的持仓情况,显示其购买了53566美元的游戏驿站看涨期权。 这就是说, DFV可以在2021年1月15日之前任何一天,…
What made DFV have such a high conviction on GME?
WSB clowned on DFV heavily for this position if you go through the old posts...The classic inverse WSB strategy strikes again. Other things that very much aided in his success on GME that could not have been readily predicted: Gamification of investing/trading due to robinhood
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