Fairchild Dornier 328JET - Wikipedia
The Fairchild-Dornier 328JET is a commuter airliner, based upon the turboprop -powered Dornier 328, developed by the German aircraft manufacturer Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH. It would be the last Dornier-designed aircraft to reach production before …
Dornier 328 - Wikipedia
The Dornier 328 is a turboprop -powered commuter airliner. Initially produced by Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH, the firm was acquired in 1996 by Fairchild Aircraft.
多尼尔328 - 百度百科
费耳柴尔德·多尼尔公司的328JET是多尼尔328双发涡桨飞机的衍生型,其市场目标是提供一种34座的喷气式支线飞机,或者作为一种公务机 (命名为“特使”3)销售,客舱可以根据客户的不同需要来布置,328JET的价格为1125万美元. [2] 多尼尔328继承了 多尼尔228 的机身设计,采用高单翼、 T型尾翼 、著名的TNT主翼技术和NRT“新机舱”的优异设计,并装设有舱内加压,使飞机能在较高 巡航高度 飞行,爬升力较优势,及每行3个座位排列。 Do 328客舱比一般支线客机宽敞,而座椅的 …
D328 Jet - Deutsche Aircraft
Unlike most regional aircraft, the Dornier 328 Jet allows easy operation even from the shortest runways. It can handle a variety of surfaces and is equally unafraid of hot and high conditions. The aircraft is capable of reaching up to 35,000ft service ceilings allowing it to use less crowded upper airways which results in reduced fuel ...
多尼尔328-300 - 百度百科
多尼尔328-300(Dornier 328-300,一般称为Do 328JET)是由德国的费尔柴德·多尼尔公司所研发的一种双发喷气式支线运输机。 是在原 多尼尔328 螺旋桨式支线运输机的基础上换装涡轮风扇 喷气式发动机 的衍生机型。 多尼尔328(Dornier 328)是德国多尼尔公司所研发的一种双发螺旋桨式支线运输机,在1991年首航,1992年取得适航证。 多尼尔公司的母公司戴姆勒-奔驰宇航公司 (Daimler-Benz)在1996年中将80%的股权出售予美国飞机生产商费尔柴德(Fairchild),而公司 …
32 Years Since Its First Flight: The Story Of The Dornier 328
2023年11月20日 · The Dornier 328 made its first flight in 1991. This German-designed turboprop-powered commuter airliner enjoyed a nine-year production cycle that resulted in the completion of 217 aircraft. A jet-powered version of the type entered service in the late 1990s. Going forward, it may even be a gateway to emission-free flying.
Fairchild Dornier DO-328-120 Specs and Description - Jet Av
In 1999, the DO-328-120 made its appearance with upgraded PW119C engines installed and flat rated to ISA + 22 degrees for improved high/hot performance.
Dornier 328 Performance, Specifications and Comparisons - Liberty Jet
The Dornier 328 Heavy Jet was manufactured by Dornier between 1996 and 2002. The cabin measures 33.9 feet long by 7.2 feet wide by 6.2 feet tall giving it a total cabin volume of 1183 cubic feet. The dimensions make it comfortable for 30 passengers, with the maximum configuration seating 32.
FAIRCHILD DORNIER 328 | SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Jet powered derivative 328JET. 2 x 1.815 SHP or 2 x 2.180 SHP take-off rated for short field P&W PW119A turboprops with 6 blade propellers. High speed, short range commuter airliner. In service since 1993. Turboprop regional airliner development in the 30 seat class.
D-BJET Fairchild Dornier Fairchild Dornier Do-328JET-300
1992年6月4日 · Fairchild Dornier Do-328JET-300 with registration D-BJET (ex D-CATI) airframe details and operator history including first flight and delivery dates, seat configurations, engines, fleet numbers and names