Shop - FGTeeV Official Store
A bright start for your day: indulge yourself with a hot drink from our contrasting ceramic mug. The subtle optics of the contrasting trim and handle give your favorite brew...
The FGTeeV & FUNnel Vision Family Official Site
FGTeeV's Featured Toys, Apparel & More! A bright start for your day: indulge yourself with a hot drink from our contrasting ceramic mug. The subtle optics of the contrasting trim and handle give your favorite brew... A colorful companion for your favorite brew.
FGT组阵亡?平替网站或压制组可供参考 - 百度贴吧
fgt在pt口碑不行,存在拿别的组资源重新混流改自己后缀的黑历史。 单论4k remux,公网确实相比内站有不可替代的地方,在大多数情况下,内站4k只有hdr,而公网经常会有4k sdr bt709这种排列组合的产物,这在内站除了极个别老电影,一般是看不到的。
【20240303】想请教下关于FGT这个组 - 百度贴吧
fgt最大的问题不是缝合,而是小偷组,各种随便改后缀。 即使不考虑所谓的道德问题,专收一个组的好处是格式规范统一不操心,但显然fgt改后缀而来的资源毫无规范和统一可言,
FGT小组是哪里的? - 知乎
经多方举报查证,发现FGT小组存在大量盗用其他小组素材,简单地删除音轨、字幕,或将各组作品中的视频流、音轨流等重组后改为自己小组后缀发布的情况。 出于尊重原创者的角度考虑,本站即日起禁止发布任何FGT小组的资源,规则页面中也相应地将FGT加入排除小组名单。 望悉知。 CMCT管理组 2017年3月4日. 最早以为是什么原创组,直到发的“原创”原盘竟然一些国内组diy的加特效中字原盘,后被人扒皮几乎所有资源全是直接改其他小组后缀,包括什么 webdl 都不是自 …
Urban Dictionary Store - fgt mug
This sturdy ceramic mug is perfect for your morning coffee, afternoon tea, or whatever hot beverage you enjoy. It's glossy white and the printed text retains its quality when dish-washed and microwaved. Dimensions are 3.79″ (9.6 cm) tall, 3.25″ (8.3 cm) in diameter.
新手入坑 求大神指路 关于影片的文件名、格式以及其他_播放机/信 …
2020年7月26日 · 末尾的fgt就是发布者了。 7. 关于杜比视界,为了方便理解,你就当成是HDR就行,4K原盘鲜有非HDR的,不是HDR的也会直接标明为SDR,标SDR一般都是发布组为了照顾没有HDR显示设备的用户,从而把HDR重编码为了SDR的版本。
German Mug with crests various towns 2 1/2" Tall fluted bottom
2024年12月10日 · This German shot glass features a colorful and intricate painted design depicting crests from various towns. The glass is 2 1/2" tall and has a fluted bottom, making it a unique addition to any barware collection. Hand wash only to ensure the longevity of the licensed reproduction design. Perfect for cold beverages, this 2 oz. shot glass is made of high-quality glass and weighs 4 oz.
Custom Mugs, Tumblers & Drinkware – Personalized Gifts & More …
We offer high-quality, personalized mugs, tumblers, and more, perfect for gifts, promotions, or everyday use. Shop custom mugs and drinkware at MugFactory.us! Free Economy Shipping in Worldwide
Urban Dictionary: 1v1 me rust
2014年10月22日 · (montageparaody) 1v1 me rust m8, ill bloody rek u fgt, cheeky skrub lord, i swer on me mum thet ill bloody 420 no scope u across the map, mountain dew dorritos style. Get the 1v1 me rust mug. Each have their own backstory. The cod map is often where the most brutal bloodshed take place, while the game itself is brutal on a whole other level.