DBDStats is the go-to destination for tracking player statistics in Dead by Daylight. All statistics are fetched directly from the game, providing you the most accurate statistics available. You can search for a player by entering their steam profile url, steam username or SteamID64.
Otzdarva's website, with information all dbd character, perks as well as beginner guides and best builds.
Dead by Daylight Builds
Dead by Daylight builds, find everything you need to know about builds. Randomize your builds with luck. Explore Tier Lists.
Ultimate Optimization Guide (FPS Boost) [7.2.3] - Steam Community
2022年11月17日 · Here are all the dbd optimization tips that I have collected from my personal experience over more than 5 years of playing. All changes at your own risk. Mistakes can lead to crashes and other problems. All the methods and theses presented below are personal opinions based on personal experience. You are responsible for your own actions.
8.3.0 | PTB - BHVR
2012年8月10日 · Killer Perk Updates. Blood Echo: When hooking a Survivor, all injured Survivors suffer from Hemorrhage and Exhaustion for 20/25/30 seconds. (was 45 seconds) Blood Echo has a cooldown of 80/70/60 seconds. (REMOVED) Dead Man's Switch: When hooking a Survivor, Dead Man's Switch activates.The first Survivor that stops repairing a generator calls upon the Entity to block it for 40/45/50 seconds.
8.5.0 | PTB Patch Notes - BHVR
Perk Updates Killer. Beast of Prey: When you gain Bloodlust for the first time, gain Undetectable for 10/15/20 seconds (NEW) Gain 30/40/50% more Bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter Category (REMOVED) Fire Up: For each generator completed, gain a 4/5/6% stackable speed bonus to picking up, dropping, vaulting, damaging generators, and breaking pallets and breakable walls for the remained of ...
领先者当选 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
领先者当选(英语: First Past the Post ,缩写FPTP) [注 1] ,或称相对多数制、简单多数制、先驰得点制、赢者全得制 [3] ,指在单一选区中选民只需投票一次,由所有候选人中的最多得票者当选,而不论绝对票数的多寡。约三分之一的国家使用此选举制度。
Dead by Daylight Perk Roulette
Toggle colored perk images in the roulette view. Play DbD with style and randomness! Supports choosing the killer/survivor perks to randomize and comes with OBS streamer mode. :)
Dead by Daylight - A Multiplayer Action Survival Horror game
Dead by Daylight’s ANGUISH Tome has opened, featuring tormented Outfits for The Blight and Jane Romero, deadly challenges to complete, and some of the most brutal unlockables your twisted mind can imagine.
領先者當選 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
領先者當選 (英語: First Past the Post,縮寫 FPTP) [註 1],或稱 相对多数制 、 簡單多數制 、 先馳得點制 、 贏者全得制[3],指在 單一選區 中選民只需投票一次,由所有候選人中的最多得票者當選,而不論绝对票數的多寡。 约三分之一的國家使用此選舉制度。 [4] 以 2024年英國大選 為例,全部650选区正式结果如下: [5] 工黨 僅以34%的選票取得了63%(411席)的議席,而 改革黨 在獲得14.3%的選票下,只贏得不到0.8%(5席)的議席。 [6] 方便執行及統計。 [7] 由於本身 …
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