Generalized periodic discharges: Pathophysiology and clinical ...
2015年8月1日 · Generalized periodic discharges (GPDs) are commonly encountered in metabolic encephalopathy and cerebral hypoxia/ischemia. The clinical significance of this EEG pattern is indistinct, and it is unclear whether treatment with antiepileptic drugs is beneficial. In this study, we discuss potential pathophysiological mechanisms.
GPD (Generalized periodic discharges) - EEGpedia
GPD’s in a 85 years old male after a out of hospital cardiac arrest (source), the discharges are symmetric, similar morphology with the same interdischarge intervals
Generalized periodic discharges (GPDs) with triphasic morphology are an electroencephalographic (EEG) pattern traditionally associat-ed with encephalopathy and coma, although they have been observed in a wide array of neurological disorders.
Generalized Periodic Discharges: A Topical Review - PubMed
Generalized periodic discharges (GPDs) are generalized discharges that recur with a relatively uniform morphology and duration. They have a quantifiable interdischarge interval. Over the past decade, our understanding of these waveforms has improved considerably. The nomenclature has changed, and etiologic references have been removed.
Brain networks involved in generalized periodic discharges (GPD…
2020年10月1日 · Generalized periodic discharge (GPD) is an EEG pattern of poor neurological outcome, frequently observed in comatose patients after cardiac arrest. The aim of our study was to identify the neuronal network generating ≤2.5 Hz GPD using EEG source localization and connectivity analysis.
Generalized periodic discharges in the critically ill
Generalized periodic discharges are increasingly recognized on continuous EEG monitoring, but their relationship to seizures and prognosis remains unclear. All adults with generalized periodic discharges from 1996 to 2006 were matched 1:1 to controls …
Generalized periodic epileptiform discharges: etiologies, relationship ...
Generalized periodic epileptiform discharges (GPEDs) are generalized, synchronous electrographic discharges. This study investigates etiologies, relationship to status epilepticus (SE), and the prognosis for patients with GPEDs. All EEGs with GPEDs performed at Duke University Medical Center between January 1994 and October 1995 were identified.
:: Journal of Neurocritical Care - e-jnc.org
Generalized periodic discharges (GPDs) with triphasic morphology are an electroencephalographic (EEG) pattern traditionally associated with encephalopathy and coma, although they have been observed in a wide array of neurological disorders.
2024年10月25日 · 1. 多个专家阅读同一批EEG数据,独立做出诊断。 2. 将所有专家意见收集起来,统计出现频率最高的诊断。 3. 如果有多个诊断高度一致,则可能被视为最终的诊断结果。 4. 可能会考虑到不同专家的专业背景和经验水平。
Generalized periodic discharges in the critically ill - Neurology
2012年10月3日 · Generalized periodic discharges are increasingly recognized on continuous EEG monitoring, but their relationship to seizures and prognosis remains unclear. All adults with generalized periodic discharges from 1996 to 2006 were matched 1:1 to controls by age, etiology, and level of consciousness.