Mouse ADS sensitivity scale for 1:1 Look and ADS : r/GTFO - Reddit
2023年2月8日 · Best bet is choosing one you use the most and set it for that. They have some of the guns' aim FOVs for GTFO on mouse-sensitivity website, then you can use a FOV-sens calculator to figure out what 1:1 would be. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/ https://www.desmos.com/calculator/khnhc27kb5.
1:1 hipfire/ADS sensitivity :: GTFO General Discussions - Steam Community
2020年4月2日 · There's a sensitivity slider for "looking", and one for aiming (ADS). How do I get them to be 1:1? Lower FoV in ADS obviously, so simply measuring it out (e.g 180 turn for x centimeters of mouse pad movement) doesn't work.
Never played the game. Ads for it look amazing though. : r/GTFO - Reddit
The game had so much promise and potential but a lot of what they wanted to do doesn't seem like they did, the game still has tons of bugs(bugs that existed in beta mind you), and it gets super boring after a couple hours. I would say it's a decent game, but the ads and previews make the game look WAY cooler and better than it is.
【GTFO】这可能是国内目前最全的萌新向入坑指南 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年4月14日 · gtfo自2019年12月开始公测以来,每当他在各位up口中出现时,总是伴随着“高难”“硬核”“恐怖”,以及充满噱头的“全球通关率仅为2.5%” 注*此数据已过期3年 等标签。不知不觉中,他在大家的普遍口碑中已经成为了一款“敢做这游戏攻略的人都是狠人”的 ...
GTFO Mod萌新2 Mod类型介绍 - 哔哩哔哩
MTFO(Mod运行环境所需/) :与beplnex一起创造GTFO的Mod运行环境,基本不可缺失去。 MTFO Tweaker (大部分Mod地图运行前置所需/) :简单来说就是扩展Mod地图特性,扩展Mod地图作者能力。
GTFO - Updates - Mouse Sensitivity Community
2019年12月11日 · On 3/31/2020 at 4:12 AM, d0shie said: Game has updated and added a slider for ADS sensitivity. Updated now, also added all the weapons. Can we get an update for the new weapons in Rundown #5, like the Heavy SMG and HEL weapons? On …
ZoomFOVAdjustment | Thunderstore - The GTFO Mod Database
Control how much you zoom in (ADS) BepInEx pack for GTFO. Preconfigured and includes Unity Base DLLs. Allows you to change camera and item zoom relative FOV. Adjustable in settings. Stolen and refactored from mccad's lockout 2 plugin.
Please, please, please make the ADS sensitivity the same as the …
2019年12月11日 · I'm playing on a similar sensitivity to every other game that I play, and then when I try to aim at an enemy, I'm suddenly on a complete different sensitivity. As a result, I waste more ammo missing shots I think I'm going to hit but fall short on. Please change this. It's making the game much harder to complete and enjoy currently.
Official GTFO Wiki - Fandom
GTFO is a 4-player hardcore co-op action horror FPS. You and your friends will explore hostile and terrifying environments where, in an instant, you are thrown from edge-of-your-seat suspense to frantic action.
发一个GTFO可用的CT修改表,游戏版本20221021可用 - 游戏杂谈 …
2022年10月22日 · gtfo可用的ct表,游戏版本20221021可用,其他版本未测试。 两个CT表一样的,一个原版英文,一个简单汉化了一下(游戏玩的不多,一些名词可能用的不地道)。