GTA San Andreas Vehicles List: All Cars & Vehicles Database
There is a total of 189 vehicles included in GTA San Andreas. You can sort the vehicles by Top Speed and Monetary Value, to see what are the fastest cars in GTA San Andreas, the most valuable, or the overall best vehicles in GTA San Andreas.
Vehicles in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - GTA Wiki
The following is a complete listing of vehicles in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. See here on what constitutes a vehicle. Based on that criteria, there are a total of 212 vehicles defined by the game. For a direct alphabetical list, see Category:Vehicles in GTA San Andreas. Please discuss changes to this list on the talk page.
Other SUV for GTA San Andreas - GTAall.com
On our site you can sort Other SUV for gta sa on body type, and replacement models using convenient filter.
飙车专用:盘点sa最快的车 - 百度贴吧
作为街头赛车,三辆车可谓不分上下 无论是耐撞的jester,还是飞驰的sultan,以及三合会的elegy,三辆车以其快 稳获得一致好评. 很多人认为voodoo救了很多人的高赌注,低底盘,可是谁能想到,这辆车连greenwood都不如. 最快不是牛肉干500?
Top 5 fastest SUVs in GTA San Andreas - Sportskeeda
2021年8月23日 · Sandking is the fastest SUV in GTA San Andreas. The car is based on the 1985 Mitsubishi Pajero Rally Raid car. It is related to the Rancher and sometimes it comes with hydraulics. This SUV is...
圣安地列斯所有越野车SUV车型 谁才是GTAsa中你最喜欢的SUV?GTAsa圣安地列斯百科所有越野车SUV
【侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯 gta:sa】盘点那些在圣安地列斯中的载具模型(1)
感觉GTA4的Sabre就是以此车为原型建模的。 Clover的性能是很不错的,适合新手代步。 它的加速较适中,且转弯制动很亲近于新手。 如果练练适应了它,说不定会是一个好车。 至于耐久,Clover在这方面却不如其性能。 一般般吧。 不适合做掩体或做跑路车。 Clover刷新地点很广,经常在LS的Williowfield,港口区,体育馆,乡村附近刷出。 在SF的港口,Hashbury,千年山等地刷出。 图中就是一个刷新点,位于街边。 一辆肌肉车,以以前的野马为原型。 外形也让人 …
盘点圣安地列斯的那些车辆们(ZR-350,Super GT jester Alpha)_ …
Vehicles In GTA San Andreas | GT wiki Wiki | Fandom
The following is a complete listing of vehicles which can be driven, ridden on, or controlled in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. : For a direct alphabetical list, see Category:Vehicles in GTA San Andreas
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