Streamlined Column-Packing Design for a New Commercial …
2017年12月13日 · Equipment Design and Selection: Requirements for Single-Use and Stainless Steel Systems: With the added footprint, the HETP/chromatography skid design was provided …
In packed columns, mass transfer efficiency is related to intimate contact and rate transfer between liquid and vapor phases. The most used concept to evaluate the height of a packed …
For evaluating the column performance after packing, a column qualification test, often called "HETP and Asymetry test", is usually performed. This test consists of evaluating the distortion …
Schematic overview of the pulse test with calculations and definitions. Peak broadening is typically described as plate number N or as height equivalent to a theoretical plate (HETP). …
The evaluation of a column’s packing efficiency (HETP and peak asymmetry) can provide valuable knowledge about a column’s performance and stability during a purification run. The …
Each Bio-Rad chromatography skid will perform over a predefined range of column diameters and process flow rates. It is easy to select the appropriate skid category from the tables (shown at …
蛋白纯化层析柱装柱总结:装柱与柱效测定方法 - 知乎
2023年12月18日 · 最常用的柱效测定方法,即产生一个狭窄的样品峰,依次评估峰增宽和峰的对称性。这两个指标分别称为 HETP (Height equivalent to a Theoretical Plate)和As( …
The VERDOT Ips2 process chromatography skid is self-contained and incorporates all the necessary components (pumps, valves, and instruments), control cabinets (pneumatic and …
「色谱通识」理论塔板高度(HETP或H) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年10月10日 · HETP, H = L∕N. 在HPLC中,控制H的主要因素是用作填充材料的颗粒直径 (dp)。 对于填充良好的色谱柱,H大约等于2dp。 填充有5-微米材料的典型的150毫米长的柱 …
2024年8月23日 · 琼脂糖基质的层析柱一般要求hetp (理论塔板高度)的数值小于5倍介质平均颗粒大小,且非对称因子在 0.8~1.8 之间(越接近于1越好),则说明装柱效果较好。