【簡易說明】香港註冊專業工程師(RPE)註冊制度 | LIHKG 討論區
2024年6月23日 · rpe 嘅申請要求 你要先有hkie頒發嘅mhkie資格,或者英國特許工程師資格(ceng)。 除咗專業資格,你仲要有至少一年嘅本地工程經驗,先可以申請RPE。 5.
HKIE Membership | HKIE
“Ir” is a recognised abbreviation for “Engineer” under HKIE Constitution Article 4, which stipulates that ‘Corporate Members may adopt the courtesy prefix “Engineer” in front of their names.
[常識分享]香港工程師(冇牌、持綠卡) 要考到 法定既 註冊專業工 …
2024年12月26日 · 學歷門檻 - 成為rpe的第一步,是擁有香港工程師學會(hkie)認可的工程學士學位。 如果你並未持有相關學位,則需要通過非常繁瑣的學歷評估,甚至可能需要額外修讀補充課程。
Search R.P.E. - ERB
Search R.P.E. Please note that information contained in the register and made available in the ERB website shall only be used for purposes contemplated under the Engineers Registration Ordinance.
(a) a professionally qualified engineer with Corporate Membership of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (the HKIE) within a discipline or (b) a qualified Member of a professional body recognized by the Engineers Registration Board
【香港工程界面面觀】揭露 註冊專業工程師 與 持綠卡的無版工程 …
2023年12月13日 · 註冊專業工程師,即rpe,是經過香港工程師註冊局 (erb)嚴格審核並取得資格認證的工程專家。他們具備由香港工程師學會(hkie)認可的工程學士學位,並已完成至少四年的相關工作經驗,經過專業評審考核,具備了在香港獨立執行工程項目的資格。
點考工程師牌?一文了解全過程 | Indeed.com 香港
2023年2月3日 · 先說前者,通過香港工程師學會專業評估後,您可以獲得「MHKIE」(香港工程師學會正會員)頭銜,然後向工程師註冊管理局(Engineers Registration Board, ERB)申請成為註冊專業工程師,就可以開始以註冊專業工程師或「R.P.E.」(registered professional engineer)自居,專業資格獲香港政府及各大機構承認。 至於後者則國際認受性較高,具體而言,您需要按照從事的專業,通過對應專業學會的考核。 假設您從事的是機械工程,就需要考 英國機械工程師 …
Notes to Applicants - ERB
Application fee for Corporate Members of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) is different from that for non-members. The fee to be paid is to be determined at the date of application, i.e. an applicant needs to pay Corporate Member fee if at the date of application he is a Corporate Member of the HKIE.
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - mi.hkie.org.hk
Encouraging for the involvement of RPEs, administered by the Engineers Registration Board (ERB), can help uplift the overall professionalism of Hong Kong's industries and potentially extend this to the Greater Bay Area (GBA) through mutual recognition agreements.
R.P.E. Login Online Platform
Notes to Applicants for Registration (and Renewal of Registration) as Registered Professional Engineer (R.P.E.) at : http://www.erb.org.hk/notestoapplicants.htm provides more information about the use of the data you provided to the ERB for the purpose of R.P.E. registration. Termination/Modification of the Service. 4.