Immutable X | Optimized game-specific ZK-rollup
Immutable X is built for games that prioritize high performance and low cost over advanced Web3 game mechanics, while still maintaining the underlying security of Ethereum. Zero cost. …
Immutable | Powering The Next Generation Of Web3 Games
Build with unmatched speed, scale, and flexibility using Immutable’s simple, end-to-end Web3 solutions. Fuel your game's growth and captivate players like never before. Immerse yourself …
Immutable X Price | IMX Price, Charts - Crypto.com
Immutable X is Ethereum’s first Layer-2 scaling solution for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), offering immediate trading, scalability, and zero gas costs for minting and trading — all without …
Comtech EF Data CDM-570L L-Band satellite Modem
The CDM-750 accommodates the most demanding Internet Service Provider (ISP) and telco backhaul links by offering users the most advanced combination of space segment saving …
一篇文章彻底搞懂CDM(码分复用) - CSDN博客
2024年4月10日 · CDM(Code Division Multiplexing,码分多址)是一种通信技术,主要应用于无线通信系统,如早期的2G和3G网络。 在 CDMA 系统中,多个用户的 信号 在同一频率上进行 …
基于linux5.15.5的IMX 参考手册 --- 5 - CSDN博客
2023年2月4日 · 本文从nxp官网下载firmware-imx固件包并解压生成相关固件文件,该固件文件用于imx-mkimage工具合成uboot镜像文件使用。本文件所下载的firmware-imx的固件包版本 …
nxp-imx/imx-sm: System Manager firmware for i.MX processors - GitHub
The System Manager (SM) is an application that runs on a Cortex-M processor on many NXP i.MX processors. The Cortex-M is the boot core, runs the boot ROM which loads the SM (and …
nxp-imx/imx-test: i.MX Unit Test Application Software - GitHub
i.MX Unit Test Application Software. Contribute to nxp-imx/imx-test development by creating an account on GitHub.
Comtech EF Data CDM-570L L-Band satellite Modem
Comtech EF Data CDM-570L L-Band satellite Modem is Ideal for optimizing satellite communications, the CDM-570 and the CDM-570L are designed to meet the needs of low-cost …
索尼IMX系列图像传感器技术分析 - MEMS/传感技术 - 电子发烧友网
2022年12月26日 · 随后,Sony推出了目前第四代全新CMOS芯片系列中的初代 产品 ——IMX系列,该系列显著提升了动态范围,当时引起了市场轰动。 IMX系列初代芯片优势: a.可缩短曝光 …